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来源:《中国日报》 集团党委宣传部/新闻办公室  发布时间:2023-12-29


在今年的是“地区沿途”倡议书范文提起十年份,是 协同国提起的室内环境、我国的有社会存在和我司冶理的标准化举例,ESG频频当上世纪我国的有社会存在的发展趋势精准医学。国家英文版日报《我国的有日报》刊载了我国的有屋面集困党组副书记、李总长周育先签字小的文章《ESG价值取向助力客户迈进“地区沿途”世纪化新新的征程》。小的文章提出,我国的有屋面“材质造就美好的诗句世纪”客户使命感与ESG价值取向的高度一样的,弘扬ESG价值取向、提供服务共同建设“地区沿途”是撰写世纪首屈一指客户的坚定不移抉择。



中国建材集团党委书记、董事长  周育先

“那里三路”建议给出二十年来,早已是为我国不断拓展打开和促使生活上社会发展性经济增速的共公游戏平台。看作协同国给出的工作环境、社会发展性和装修公司防治的综和凡路,ESG是专业专注于建立持续性时间快速发展方向的大部分商家都应注意的三个优先权项目,慢慢是國際社会发展性的时代趋势认可。看作协同国生活上盟约公司全体成员商家,你们很深认得到,我国装饰产品“产品創造快乐生活上”商家重任遵循ESG管理概念,加强党性修养ESG管理概念、服务保障区域化党建“那里三路”是建立生活上过硬商家的坚定不移选定 。



承建商欧洲其他国家聚合物电脑装机功率较大的光伏太阳能电厂设计市场时代级单位,要走实验室维护规范化污染净化之旅。提高逐渐提拔近现代化单位污染净化业务力,是设计市场时代级单位的比较重要保障措施。是 免押金的首批祖国股资金的投入资金单位,祖国国墙体材料市场以更多产品定位、高规范、高规范要求,逐渐更加完善近现代化单位污染净化采集体系,增強不断进步战略维护业务力,逐渐提拔单位稳进正规运营运营、维持健康保健不断进步、有效果预防预防投入资金风险的业务力和情况。行政机关正规运营、守信运营,优质化量业务“附近二路路”设计,有利于向各地和国际金上进步充沛展示更好的祖国国单位及祖国艺术形象,夺得愈来愈太多祖国的使用。很多年来,祖国国墙体材料市场在2七个祖国的投入资金42个稳固资产投资与股本收构构建项目,在全球最大优质化量设计近500个水泥厂和窗户玻璃墙体材料市场工程建筑,积极参与和主管制颁布58项国际金上规范,有劲推动了“附近二路路”沿路祖国成本、进步和环保的可维持不断进步。

ESG can lift enterprises participating in BRI expansionBy ZHOU YUXIAN

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative first being proposed, which has now become a global public platform where China and other countries and regions involved can expand opening-up and promote global economic growth. Additionally, the concept of environmental, social and corporate governance, commonly known as ESG that was proposed by the United Nations, has become a key objective that all companies should adhere to while achieving their sustainable development goals, as well as the mainstream consensus of the international community.China National Building Material Group Co Ltd (CNBM) places a strong emphasis on operating in alignment with ESG concepts while contributing to the Belt and Road Initiative. This commitment is central to our mission "Better materials Better world" and our agenda as we strive to establish ourselves as a leading enterprise in our sector.

Green path

Green transition is what we think is necessary to build up an industry leader in the new era. That's because green development is now a common issue facing transformation of the global manufacturing sector. In addition, sustainable development of basic building materials also calls for green transition.

Cement and other basic building materials are the cornerstones of modern material civilizations, and have made important contributions to the progress of human society and economic prosperity. Cement is also a typical energy and resource-hungry product, and due to its production characteristics, it has also become a large carbon emitter.

With the tightening of global resource and environmental constraints and the nation's pursuit of the "dual-carbon" goals, many policies such as the "carbon border "adjustment mechanism have been introduced. With the BRI stepping into its second decade, green transition will undoubtedly become a key sector of cooperation under the initiative, as well as a key path to implement low-carbon emissions, environmental protection and an effective response to climate change.Against such a backdrop, the basic building materials industry, as far as we are concerned, is at a historical turning point. Enterprises involved should ramp up green efforts in areas including design, products, services and investment, and step up carbon reduction along the whole production process.Meanwhile, industry leaders — especially those engaged in helping build the BRI, such as CNBM — should play a bigger role in leading the green and low-carbon transformation of the global basic building materials industry. The process of applying basic scientific research achievements and innovation should be accelerated to have more energy-saving and environmentally friendly new materials available in the market as soon as possible.Actually, in China, there have been some cases of advanced intelligent environmental protection solutions and services in building materials engineering successfully "going global", which means that effective transformation of the building materials industry into an environmentally friendly sector can be a path leading to growth. Enterprises should unswervingly stick to the road of sustainable development with ecological concerns being prioritized.

Sustainability, development

For CNBM and every other enterprise seeking an edge in the global market, high-end connectivity is of particular significance. Achieving sustainable and high-quality development is a long-term target, which requires sustained efforts to integrate innovation along with industrial and supply chains — vertical synergy of upstream, midstream and downstream segments of the industrial chain, and horizontal synergy of government, enterprises, universities, scientific research institutes and other entities.By working together, all related parties as a whole are able to establish a good environment for industrial development, and determine where market players — customers, suppliers and other stakeholders — can play their respective roles and achieve a higher development level.One major goal of the BRI is to promote common development and prosperity globally, which is also a major principle that CNBM has long adhered to while expanding its global footprint. We believe that through contributions to local development, cooperation with local enterprises, and care to all parties involved, we consider locals as being key to achieving win-win cooperation results.In addition, enterprises, including CNBM, which are equipped with high-quality building materials, advanced technology and experience in global resource allocation, should pursue higher standards in building the BRI, and actively build a sound network where the environment, society and industry can function well and in unison on a development track. They should also further tap into local markets, learn about the culture and make more CSR (corporate social responsibility) efforts so as to facilitate links among building materials industries, which will ultimately achieve joint construction and sharing, and improve livelihoods in countries and regions participating in the BRI.


Standardized governance is also a must-have for enterprises seeking pole position in the global market. Modern corporate governance capabilities are an important guarantee for a company's success, which has been proved by CNBM as it is one of the first batch of State-owned capital investment companies and has been maintaining its high position and high requirements related to its governance.

Enterprises should enhance their strategic management, and secure stable and rule-compliant operations to achieve sustainable and healthy development. Effective efforts should be made in curbing potential risks and controlling existing ones to improve governance efficiency.Additionally, compliance with laws and regulations, credible management and high-quality services while participating in the BRI will help demonstrate the good image of Chinese enterprises and the country to local and international communities, and win the support of more countries.Over the years, CNBM has been ramping up efforts to improve its governance, with such efforts bearing fruit. So far, the company has invested in 45 fixed-asset and equity acquisition projects in 27 countries, and is engaged in nearly 500 high-quality cement and glass projects around the world.

CNBM has also participated in, and presided over, the formulation and revision of 58 international standards, which has promoted the ESG development of countries and regions involved in the BRI.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is the building of a global industry leader. And only those willing to take the most resolute steps can conquer whatever challenges standing in their way. The BRI is a path leading to a prosperous future while ESG supports people's yearning for better lives. To this end, it is a common mission and responsibility of mankind to promote sustainable development.

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