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央视国际频道:“一带一路CEO专访 中国建材董事长宋志平”20170511

来源:CNBM  发布时间:2017-05-12
访谈录论文:Critics of the Belt and Road Initiative say China is exporting its excess construction capacity. The head of China's largest construction materials group says they couldn't be more wrong.“四园十路上”的进行批评者看做,华人是想进行四园十路上伤害多余生产量。作为一个环球***的装饰生产商,华人装饰集团电话的监事会成员长宋志平看做,实际正好相左。China National Building Material Group (CNBM) is the result of a merger between China’s top two building material companies -- CNBM and China National Materials Group Corporation -- which took place last August. It is mainly engaged in cement, lightweight building materials, glass fiber and composite materials and engineering services, including 15 listed units and having annual sales of 270 billion yuan (38 billion US dollars). 去年同期十一月,国家***的两方五金建筑我司(国家建筑物相关资料投资控股单位的是十分现有的我司和国家中材投资控股单位的是十分现有的我司)伴有重新组合变成 国家五金建筑投资控股单位的是十分现有的我司(CNBM)。我司大部分作为混泥土、轻制五金建筑、安全玻璃植物纤维和挽回相关资料各类项目 服務,代言拥有着15家香港上市我司,年售销额2700万加元(380亿加元)。With a resume that includes merging eight state controlled companies and chairing two major SOEs, CNBM chairman Song Zhiping likens the integration to cooking a tasty stew – as opposed to throwing vegetables into a bag.  国五金建材集困副老总长宋志平曾归并了8家集体拥有制企业公司,他把数据整合的过程中 比作炖出一锅好汤,而不能比较简单地将拥有青菜扔到筐子。“We have done a few things: optimize strategy, structure, platform, consolidated the culture, organization, market, international business - a lot has been done to achieve seamless integration. The process has been very good. In the next step, we want to become a first-class industry investment company, I want us to manage the equity of large listed companies,” Song said.宋志平说:“小编为完成无接缝相结合干了较多运作,SEO优化了的战略、形式、渠道,相结合了企业集团工厂学历、组织结构、专业市场、全国业务领域等。大部分过程中很胜利。下一大步,小编愿称为出众的产业投入资金集团工厂。我愿小编的集团工厂也能的管理大中型美国上市集团工厂的股份权。”Addressing the suspicion that China is exporting its outdated capacity in the Belt and Road Initiative, Song laughed and said it was the exact opposite: poorer undeveloped countries are demanding newer equipment because they lack the maintenance expertise.  应对中国国家国进行“附近五路”向外输入输出贫穷低于产销量的疑惑,宋志平笑称实际恰恰舞反之:贫穷低于的开发中国国家国家需要更行设施设备,担心他们缺泛维护保养的专注知识点。Besides, Song pointed out that it doesn’t make business sense to work with outdated equipment because it lowers productivity. 再者,宋志平表示,从商务弯度讲用到年久专用机器设备并不实惠,因此年久专用机器设备的加工率低。“We do not dismantle old lines and move them overseas. Not one of them is like this... In our South Carolina glass fibre plant, the equipment is state of the art. Our equipment is sophisticated and cutting edge. We position ourselves in the mid- to high-end segments of the market. We have longer product life, we also offer good value for money. Good quality, less cost,” Song said.“公司会拆除违建旧生孩子线并将生产物料发往欧美国家。不能某家欧美国家工业区是这样的建造的,公司应用于南卡罗来纳州的玻璃窗玻纤厂成为是从进的生产物料。公司的生产物料还是***、最尖部的生产物料。公司的市厂位置定位是中精致。公司的物料用使用期更长,有很高的性比价。的好些、价格多少低。”宋志平讲究。Starting out with product exports, then equipment sales, CNBM is now investing heavily overseas.  It has built production lines in 75 countries, including Egypt, Zambia, India, Mongolia and South East Asia.从货品用于出口型,到配置用于出口型,有着积极实现境外的投资。我国的建筑装饰材料控股集团都已经在收录还有国内各地、赞比亚、还有国内各地、蒙古人和西南亚的79个欧洲国家制定了产量线。“We are more welcome locally when we build factories than we export,” Song told CGTN. And that might be the reason why Song has ambitious goals to build factories wherever CNBM has customers. “大家在本土打造厂里时比向本土出口到產品更最赚钱大家。”宋志平对中全球TV台这个说。如此这有机会大便次数多宋志平布局图雄伟信标将厂里上移至买家卖场的想法。On the risks of investing overseas, Song admits paying dues in many areas, mentioning legal rules and forex risks particularly.我们对境外投入资金的的的风险,宋志平表示交了些入学费,并特别提及到了社会道德和外汇期货的的风险。“Take legal rules, small countries’ laws often change, we need to be sensitive to them and adapt accordingly. Some small countries are forex controlled, no free capital flows, we made a lot of money but sudden currency depreciation means no profit. We have to overestimate risks, like having to build cement factories in 50 degree weather, we have to factor all this in,” Song said. “就拿社会道德讲,穷国家的社会道德老是修改,大家需用对社会道德的改变了十分特别敏感并迅速校准适于。有部分穷国家采用外汇交易监管,不能够随心所欲资金传播,大家赚了太多钱,如果数字货币莫名掉价就后果着成本 为零。大家需用宽裕估测概率,表示动作的词说要在50℃的條件下组建白水泥制造厂,大家需用来想到其他有影响主观因素。”宋志平说。Song’s vision is for CNBM to go from big to great. If the track record of the quiet executive is anything to go by, the company is on course.宋志平对中国有墙体建筑集困的概率要往非常大的机构转换成值得尊敬的机构。如这一名领导干部人上去的成效还可以讲解哪个时,特别我对一家企业公司的未来发展很积极进取。
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