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丝路员工成长记⑭ | 从店员到经理,南太平洋这俩小伙儿“赖”上我们啦~~~

来源:中建投巴新公司   发布时间:2023-11-28

小料向朋友分享图片孩子 在“范围一路路”基本建设中播撒盼望种子选手、我的收获快乐荚果、英文书写雄厚五彩生的有趣故事视频……01


2001 年加入中国建材



































22 Years of Solidarity with BNBM PNG LTD

Torre Tord Miria

Joined CNBM in 2001

Business Manager of BNBM PNG Ltd.On March 19, 2001, a bright and sunny morning, a young man with a radiant smile stepped into BNBM PNG LTD. Torre, then a 22-year-old, was unaware of the profound connection his life would forge with this company in the years to come."When I was in school, I learned that the Chinese people are hardworking and passionate. For me, the opportunity to work in a Chinese company represented a whole new experience, and I eventually seized that chance. However, due to cultural differences, I encountered several challenges in terms of mindset and language communication when I first joined the Chinese company. Fortunately, with the help of my Chinese colleagues, these difficulties were overcome, and I formed deep friendships with them,” said Torre, "Initially, I felt overwhelmed by the challenges in a Chinese company and worried about my competence. It was my Chinese colleagues and friends who constantly encouraged me and gave me the motivation to persist until today.'"After joining BNBM PNG Ltd., Torre displayed an extraordinary level of enthusiasm, diligence, and hard work, never ceasing to strive for improvement. Recognizing his outstanding work capabilities and contributions to the company, Company decided to support him in continuing his education. In 2018, Torre successfully graduated from the University of Papua New Guinea. He said, "It's hard to imagine that I had the opportunity to complete my studies while working. BNBM is truly an inclusive platform that allows employees to realize their value."In the span of 22 years, Torre went through various role transitions, starting as an Accounts Receivable Officer at the branch level, then progressing to become the Accounts Receivable Supervisor, Assistant Store Manager, HR Manager at the headquarters, and finally reaching the position of Business Manager. Alongside his professional growth, Torre also accomplished personal milestones such as completing his education and starting a family. During these 22 years, BNBM PNG Ltd. has also experienced signifcant development, expanding from its initial three branches to twelve branches today, with continuous growth in overall scale. It can be said that Torre and BNBM have witnessed each other's growth throughout this journey.As the Business Manager of the company, Torre actively fulflls his job responsibilities. He invests a significant amount of time and effort into studying local business regulations and procedures to ensure the accuracy and completeness of relevant contracts and materials. He also ensures that the company's applications comply with government regulations. With the support and guidance of the company's management team, Torre has been involved in the preparation and construction of several important projects in various regions.

Whether it was the Malaita Branch in Lae City, the Rainbow Branch in Moresby, the Hagen Branch in Western Highlands Province, or the upcoming openings of the Popondetta Branch in Northern Province and Goroka Branch in Eastern Highlands Province, Torre has left his mark through his hard work. He provides critical support for land approvals in each project, efficiently handles procedures such as branch business licenses and fire safety certificates, greatly assisting the company's market expansion and promoting the development of overseas building materials branch stores.Torre considers himself fortunate and says, "I am honored to be involved in these signifcant projects that contribute to the growth and development of the company. Through these projects, I continuously gain experience, learn, and progress. I am also delighted to contribute my efforts to BNBM in Papua New Guinea. If I hadn't joined the company,perhaps I would have led an unremarkable life.""This is my first and likely my last career." This is Torre's sincere expression of his emotions towards the company. His dedication and loyalty towards BNBM PNG LTD for the past 22 years have been recognized and cherished by his family and friends. They believe that Chinese companies, like BNBM PNG LTD, are excellent employment choices. Today,with the prospects of China-PNG cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, multi-level and wide-ranging collaborations have propelled the economic development and social progress of PNG. This has provided numerous job opportunities for the local population. Torre believes that more and more people will choose to join Chinese companies, and he takes great pride in this trend.02
亚里士多德·托马斯·莫古纳2011 年下载华人屋面历任中交投巴新机构中国首都屋面店人事经理生活助理































 Growing up with BNBMPNG for 12 Years

Aristotol Thomas Moguna

Joined CNBM in 2011

The Assistant to Branch Manager of BNBM Pom Hardware  branchFrom salesperson, cashier, to account supervisor,  head account supervisor, and then to assistant  manager of Capital Building Materials branch,  Aristotol Thomas Moguna has already worked in BNBMPNG for 12 years. In the past 12 years, he  has been conscientious, diligent and enterprising,  and has been rated as an outstanding employee  by the Papua New Guinea Company many times.  He shines in ordinary positions and strives to grow  together with the company. Aristotol is an employee who is diligent in learning  and good at research. When he first worked as a salesperson at the Kennedy branch in Port Moor,  he had little knowledge of computer software and  was often at a loss for the computer. Under careful  teaching of the Chinese staff, he quickly learned the  relevant technology, and he was able to operate  the sales system efficiently. But he is not satisfied  with this. While serving as the account supervisor,  he proposed the method of classifying customers  into credit card customers, cash customers,  check customers, wire transfer customers and  credit customers, which greatly facilitated the  daily account management of the branch. After  several years of hard work, Aristotol has become  a senior executive in charge of the headquarters  office. While properly handling his own affairs,he can also actively handle company's foreign  affairs, including how to prepare for foreign work  permit applications, foreign visa applications, and  foreign passport applications. At the same time, by sorting out his own work experience, he cooperated  with the Human Resources Department to train  new employees. He said: "It makes me clearly understand my shortcomings, and my desire to  learn more knowledge has also increased." Aristotol  began to learn to how to handle company insurance  claims, including workers' compensation claims,  claims for damage to company vehicles, and claims  for shoplifting. "By learning to deal with these things,  I have become more and more familiar with various things at the company level and the responsibilities and work of different positions," said Aristotol proudly. 2021 is a relatively difficult year for the company's development. The COVID-19 epidemic has hindered business development, and the workforce has  also been affected by the epidemic. At the critical moment, Aristotol was appointed as the assistant  manager. He was sent to the Rainbow branch in  the capital to take charge of the branch's business  affairs. With more than 10 years of work experience,  Aristotol quickly took over the branch's business.  By managing employees, checking receipt and delivery, checking the daily operating funds, he reported the operating conditions to the company on a regular  basis. The operation of the branch has been stabilized, the understaffed situation has been alleviated, and a  solid foundation has been laid for the subsequent adjustment of the company's business operations.

Over the years, Aristotol has been actively learning from other excellent employees, constantly improving his work efficiency, and always preparing for future development. His excellent performance has also won the  favor of the general managers. They taught Aristotol about project contracts, provided him with opportunities  to participate in various business negotiations and meetings to help him broaden his horizons and increase his  knowledge. Aristotol was moved by the company's help and support. He always tries his best to complete the  work in order to thank the company and his Chinese colleagues for their patient teaching and help. He said:  "Chinese colleagues taught me work skills and knowledge, and my ability has been improved greatly. Their  enthusiasm will always affect me, making me love this job even more." During the 12 years of working, some companies have privately sent job offers to Aristotol, but they were all rejected by him. "In the company's team, I saw trust, collaboration and respect. I have learned optimism, positivity and persistence. I'm even more affected by the inclusive cultural atmosphere of Chinese companies."  He said: "The company has given me a very broad platform, where I am willing to explore my potential, develop  my ability, and grow with the company.Papua New Guinea has also benefited greatly from the implementation of China's "Belt and Road " Initiative. In 2018, the APEC meeting was held in Papua New Guinea, and Aristotol was deeply moved. He said: "China is a very friendly country, and the " Belt and Road " Initiative has also benefited my motherland. The development of society and economy and people's lives has been improved, and Chinese companies and Chinese people in  Papua New Guinea often lend a helping hand to us, so I am especially grateful to China."

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