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丝路员工成长记⑯ | “运维尖兵”龚腾 & “创新标兵”张昊信

来源:苏州中材、中材海外   发布时间:2023-12-05



就在今年是双拥共建“范围一路路上”倡议书范文谈到10周年活动。6年来,全国墙体材料厂家坚定理想信念不移走国际性化发展方向,不停的信息化“走入去”形式 ,仍旧奉行“为各地发展方向作功绩度、与各地厂家媒体合作双赢、为各地大家工作”的媒体合作双赢双赢“三规范”,为“范围一路路上”沿岸国和区县具备优質量墙体材料和过程技术设备工作,为共建社会运程共同命运体功绩度了墙体材料精神力量。全国建筑装饰材料集团公司存在踏足世界上的 2 万几名在国外人,它们在磨砺锐意进取中手写快乐答题,在商家增长 中推动一致增长,用半点一份的甘愿奉献精神深动再谱“朵朵与共”快乐愿景。接下去来,公司将为小伙伴分析当中100 位泰国在职员工的童话故事故事,看你该怎样在“那里一起”规划中播撒想要的种子网,赢得高兴的成果,手写着充裕多彩多姿、简练新鲜的令人感动童话故事故事……01
争当转变先锋av 铸就运维和技术尖兵


















为伊拉克 SCP 工作直播搭建好了生产的经营的技术队伍


















A Pioneer of Transformation and O&M

Gong TengJoined CNBM in 1995The O&M Projects Manager of SINOMA(Suzhou) In IraqAs time goes by, the saplings planted a decade ago have grown into a maple grove, a beautiful sight at the Sulaymaniyah Cement Plant (SCP) in Iraq. Over the past decade or so, SINOMA International has expanded its footprint in Iraq, from EPC projects to diversified projects, and then to cement plant production support and operation & maintenance (O&M), achieving progressive development. Along the way, many outstanding people have come to the fore, and Gong Teng is an outstanding representative.Before coming to Iraq, Gong Teng was the project manager of the ALSALAM 2500t/d cement plant installation project in Sudan. During the period of “bid maintenance” with the owner after completing the contract tasks, he solved many problems of the general contractor Tk-II, an Indian company, and won the owner’s trust. He also contributed to the first production support contract on a pay-per-hand basis between the owner and the company. As the first production support project manager of SINOMA (Suzhou), Gong Teng inspected the production line and led a production team to study and overcome obstacles such as shortages of designs, equipment and spare parts. In only two months, he enhanced the monthly operation rate of the plant from 52% before his tenure to 84%, building the company’s confidence to undertake production support projects.In 2010, the company decided to expand its business from EPC projects to production support and O&M. Gong Teng was appointed as the project manager of the Iraq SCP Production Support Project Department of SINOMA (Suzhou). However, it was not a smooth ride, and full of challenges and unknowns.At the beginning of his tenure, Gong Teng and the project management team carefully planned and determined the production guidelines of safety, high quality, high yield, low consumption and environmental friendliness through discussion, as well as an organizational structure featuring hierarchical management by three departments and three workshops. To cope with the shortage of production technicians, he coordinated a number of technicians with more than ten years of production experience for the Iraqi SCP project through personnel introduction, secondment and seeking external support, and built a production and operation technical team. After four months of running-in, the production of the project was fully on track, creating a prerequisite for the smooth expansion of subsequent production support and O&M.

Team building is crucial to any enterprise. The introduction and secondment of personnel at an early stage can only solve difficulties in the short term, while Gong Teng is more concerned about long-term talent training and reserve. From the first day of the project, a new talent training program was launched. After years of engineering construction, SINOMA (Suzhou) has built up a large number of excellent engineering and technical personnel, many of whom are experts in equipment operation and production support, and the first batch of production support personnel were selected from them through assessment. After more than ten years of practice, they have gradually matured and been successively sent to other production support and O&M projects of the company.The core of production support and O&M projects is to ensure the stable operation of production lines and the stable quality of cement products. These projects need to be supervised by experienced production technicians, and improving management is a new challenge. At the beginning of the production support and O&M business, the company had a vague understanding of production[1]related core data, risk control nodes, scopes of error tolerance and correction, etc. which caused great obstacles for the accurate and comprehensive control of production and O&M. In view of this, Gong Teng led his team to collect and organize the data of the whole process from the analysis of raw material composition, to the preparation, storage and grinding of raw materials, to calcination in kilns, cooling and transportation, and finally to cement grinding and packaging. During that time, Gong Teng spent almost every minute with his production support team. They shuttled around workshops so as to grasp the core data of each link as quickly as possible, and analyze as well as summarize the data. With a gradual grasp of the reality of all aspects, Gong Teng led his team to prepare operating procedures, equipment maintenance manuals, monitoring methods of each workshop and unit, and quality control procedures based on the actual situation. They have gradually established and improved production management methods and comprehensive management systems, and built a management system, which has been a pioneering role in ensuring the systematic management of the production support and O&M business and promoting it in other countries and regions.Years of hard work has created a booming production support and O&M business. At present, the company has contracted the production support and O&M business of all six cement production lines in Iraqi.The company taps with local markets in the countries in which it operates, vigorously promotes industrial extension, and creates a new pattern of diversified business. In a series of reform and innovation, Gong Teng has sincerely cooperated with his team, striving to be the pioneer of transformation. He has forged ahead with determination and made long[1]term development plans for the company. In the face of adversity, ten years of trials and endeavor have trained a professional, enterprising and vigorous O&M team. Personal Insights:Since I devoted to the Iraqi market in 2010, upholding the concept of serving the company's overall development, I’ve led the team to cooperate closely and forge ahead. We successfully created the management model for the operation & maintenance business and added luster to the SINOMA brand. In the future, I’ll continue to work hard, move forward with determination, enhance learning and improve management to assist the company's high-quality development!02
张昊信2006 年添加在我国五金建材中材在海外优质与窗户玻璃视野部副组长














接任秘鲁L’Amali 5000TPD沙浆制作线工程项目后

























Innovation Endows Vitality

Zhang HaoxinJoined CNBM in 2006The Deputy manager of Environmental protection & Class engineering of SINOMA OVERSEASZhang Haoxin worked as a technical engineer in Angola and took on heavy responsibilities in Argentina. He has always fulfilled his duties, deepened his expertise, and accomplished his work quickly. Why? Those who know him well will always describe him as a quick-witted professional whose innovations revitalize him and his clients.Innovation requires concentration and diligence. When he was first appointed as the project manager of NC15 petroleum coke grinding station in Angola, Zhang Haoxin always thought independently about difficulties, and then found out the methods and paths to solve them. After consultation with the team, the original "headache" was successfully addressed with the joint efforts. The NC15 petroleum coke grinding station project has set a record. It is the company’s first EPC overseas project that was completed within a year, notwithstanding its long process of design, procurement, processing and production, transportation, on-site construction, debugging and assessment.The highest innovation requires the best ability to learn. During the NCII 5000TPD clinker production line project, Zhang Haoxin was appointed as technical manager of clinker production line, project manager of 23MW heavy oil power station and debugging leader, and took on the roles of design management, project management of heavy oil power station, debugging and assessment of clinker production line, etc. Of course, he had his doubts, since some of these jobs were new to him. What should he do? He could only make up for it by studying. After work, he could be seen slaving away at books. In case of a bad weather, he always consulted some old technicians and managers in the office. In particular, the new knowledge in the field of heavy oil power generation broadened his mind. He studied deeply and absorbed the essence with specific questions in mind. He successfully completed the work at all points throughout the project. Especially in the debugging and assessment stage, he prepared the performance assessment scheme, formulated detailed examination implementation methods, adjusted the production parameters, and ensured the smooth performance assessment.

Innovation requires responsibility. Persistent, Zhang Haoxin moved to Argentina to work on the L'Amali 5000TPD cement production line project. After full investigation, his proposal of localized construction was approved by the Company. Supported by the Company, Zhang Haoxin and the project team conducted localized subcontracting in civil engineering and installation. Due to the differences in culture and thinking between China and Argentina, the site management was extremely complicated. Undaunted by it, he was the first to arrive at the scene every day. He fully coordinated with owner, trade union, local civil engineering subcontractor, local installation subcontractor, and Chinese technical director, and reasonably arranged the on-site construction, so as to promote the project in an orderly way.At the critical moment when the Argentine project was in full swing, the global COVID-19 pandemic spread to Argentina, and the project was suspended for 50 days. This led to a series of ripple reactions as well as crises such as trade union negotiation, pandemic prevention and work resumption plan, work resumption application, production resumption organization, withdrawal of rent of machines and tools, on-site stability maintenance, etc. As a core member of the field management team of the Argentine project, Zhang Haoxin fought side by side with the project team, and finally reached a shutdown settlement agreement through eight rounds of arduous trade union negotiations. During the shutdown, the project team did not slack off. Instead, he worked out the project resumption and pandemic control plan, and obtained the resumption permit issued by the Argentine government and owner. After the project resumed, the local labor force was in short supply. Zhang Haoxin and his team thought creatively and adopted flexible employment methods to get out of the understaffed mess. Through several rounds of negotiations with construction machinery and material leasing manufacturers, they succeeded in reducing or waiving leasing fees during the pandemic. The hardships and struggles involved were beyond the endurance of ordinary men. Zhang Haoxin fully demonstrated outstanding overall quality and crisis management skills as SINOMA staff, defended the interests of the Company and ensured the smooth progress of the project.Only reform and innovation can make brilliant years. Zhang Haoxin is on the road to reform and innovation. He has a strong motherland behind him and great love in his heart. Therefore, we can fully believe that his talent will shine in Argentina, 20,000 kilometers away from China.Personal Insights:I'm grateful that SINOMA can provide growth platform for my career, where I can devote my professional knowledge and abundant experience to assist the company’s development. I have to devote all my strength, tackle all kinds of obstacles, overcome all the trouble with creative spirit to accomplish the task SINOMA grants to me.

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