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丝路员工成长记 ⑳ | “螺丝钉”小伙李良辉 & “运维之花” 尼拉

来源:邯郸中材  发布时间:2023-12-18


心無界,路竞品2018年是相互建设“区县节节高升”倡议书范文提起 10 周年纪念日。10 以来,全球五金家装建材装饰实业公司坚定的信念不移走香港多元化道路施工,一直自主创新“战胜去”模式英文,保持奉行“为本地壮大作分享、与本地公司合作方式的、为本地各族人民的服务培训”的合作方式的共赢“三的基本原则”,为“区县节节高升”周边区县地方和区县作为优质化量五金家装建材装饰和工作工艺的服务培训,为创设社会今年运势相互体分享了五金家装建材装饰的力量。
中国现代建筑装饰材料群体占有传遍世界的 2 万几名国内外职工,他在磨砺催人奋进中填写太精彩答案,在公司发展趋势中确保之间成长的,用点几滴的暗自讲奉献风趣铸就“美美的与共”美好时光目标。下面来,我们的将为大伙讲解在其中100 位中国海外店员的古事,看其怎么样才能在“三区三路”的建设中播撒愿望的种子图片,获得幸福的球果,书写格式着雄厚缤纷多彩、深动活鲜的感人至深古事……01

李良辉2018 年下载中国有装饰 列任邯郸中材印度万宏工作主管助理员李良辉是个00后
他身怀着两颗“初生牛犊不害怕虎”的苍弯之诚相互使用加如了老挝旦多淼楼盘是当名当名土建施工技术性员他时间顺序参建了印度旦多淼第二线排洪沟水利二线地勘及临建内容工程等另一个内容每日天色逐渐微亮李良辉便从生活区岁月如梭前往地勘安装地点大白天顶着表示40℃的高性情温和直晒他慎重在施工现场统计地勘数据库是夜晚回来经营场所他再将因此夜晚信息采集到的信息核对光学数据表格中每晚运作终止都就已经 是晚上一分份建设细则一场次在自行否定句中执着精致都他挥洒青春积极的记录他常说“和它的说巴基斯坦旦多淼活动就是我事情专业学习的点不妨说此在国外该项目是我们的‘全军出击’”

地域管辖操作技木职工汉语为缅语且第二步文学语言为英语怎么说李良辉乐观帮住属地管理普通员工专业学习应用厂家文化教育帮住应对孩子们在生存和工作任务中碰上的各项相关问题他也从相关操作人员转化为了师付入司 5 年李良辉终究铸就工种像这颗“螺丝帽钉”类似她的手地生命守护着自我平凡人的位置用泪水和智能化树立着新科技青年人的重任与担任
A Man Dedicated to His Job

Li LianghuiJoined CNBM in 2018The Assistant Project Manager of SINOMA Handan Myanmar biomass fuel power plants projectLi Lianghui is the Assistant Project Manager of SINOMA Handan Myanmar Wanhong New Energy Comprehensive Multi-Energy Complementary Project. Since he joined the company, he has been working at the frontline. As a dedicated, enterprising and meticulous man with strong execution and readiness to cooperate, he is a good assistant to leaders and a good partner for colleagues. He has been recognized several times as the “Excellent Employee” by the branch company and SINOMA because of his outstanding performance. As he said, these honors are the best reward for his hard work and the driving force that encourages him to keep forging ahead.Li Lianghui, a young man born in the 1990s, has joined the company for five years since he graduated from university. He had a strong passion for his work and volunteered to join the company’s Than Taw Myat cement project in Myanmar. He said, “Than Taw Myat project is not so much a place where I work and study but a ‘battlefield’ for me.”As a civil engineering technician, he participated in Line 2 drainage ditch project and Line 3 prospecting and temporary facilities project of Than Taw Myat cement project in Myanmar, and prospecting and temporary facilities project of the cement grinding station in Yangon. Before the construction of Line 3 temporary facilities project was started, he designed and revised over ten construction plans until he finally got the most satisfactory plan.

When he was a prospector in the project of a cement grinding station, Li Lianghui rose from bed at dawn and hurried to the prospecting site about 30 kilometers away from his dormitory. In the daytime, he meticulously recorded all prospecting data regardless of the scorching sun and high temperature. At night, he entered all collected data in the spreadsheets as the part of construction records. He always worked far into the night. He is a perfect example of a tough and hardworking young man with rural background. What’s more, the company’s mentorship helped him grow fast in business and get acquainted with most of the frontline construction processes and technical essentials in a short time.In August 2019, Li Lianghui started to take charge of Than Taw Myat Line 3 civil engineering project, and Line 2 civil engineering and installation project of Than Taw Myat coal-fired power plant. Since the local managerial and technical staff members all speak Burmese and English, he, a fluent English speaker, was pleased with the task of being a “guide” for the new local technicians. He helped the newcomers learn and become adapted to the company’s culture, and solved various problems in their life and work. After the new employees breathed new life into the company, he changed from an apprentice to a master. He shared with his apprentice all he had learned from his master. Because of his outstanding performance, he and his apprentice were honored as the company’s 2020 Excellent Master and Apprentice.As the secretary of the Youth League branch in the company’s Myanmar subsidiary, he set a good example in both life and work. He forged close ties with members of the Youth League and carried forward the revolutionary spirit for this new era - working diligently amidst hardships and pumping all efforts into frontline work. Under the leadership of the Youth League branch, the young employees of Project Department could make better use of their new knowledge in work and they learned how to discover and solve problems through their constant study and practice. The Youth League Branch of Myanmar subsidiary was recognized by the title of “May 4th Red-Flag Youth League Branch of SINOMA International”.On one morning in August 2019, the Project Department, assigned each team of two employees to put up publicity banners. A Burman employee of Li Lianghui’s team, unexpectedly slipped and fell into a drainage ditch which had swift torrents because of heavy rain several days before. And the Burman employee was instantly swept away. In the face of this emergency, Li Lianghui waited for no time to jump into the water and got his colleague out of danger. Luckily, the Burmese was not injured, but Li Lianghui was slightly wounded and his mobile phone had to be discarded. He was praised as a hero, but he smiled and replied, “I’m nothing of a ‘hero’. The only thing in my mind was to get him out of water. Nothing else flashed through my mind. But I now find it’s rather dangerous.”As a poem of Tang Dynasty said, “All alone in a strange land, I miss my family all the more on each festival day.” Since he joined the company, Li Lianghui had spent the Spring Festival far away from home for three consecutive years. He said, “Frankly, I really miss my family, miss my parents, and miss my hometown. But I also love Project Department. It’s a happy family for me. The moment I find many colleagues are still sticking to their posts during the Spring Festival, I am instantly filled with enthusiasm.”In his five-year engagement with the company, Li Lianghui has been dedicated to his daily job, like a “screw”, and fulfilled his mission and responsibility as a young man of this new era.

Personal Insights:

After I joined the work, I chose to take root in the construction site, just like a "screw", to guard my ordinary position tightly. I am willing to continue to devote myself to my work, unite and lead my colleagues to work together in the front line, and contribute to the company's development. Wish the company a better future.02
婷·尼拉·邓2017 年注入我国的家居建材現任邯郸中材越南旦多淼保产大型项目质量检验员




The Flower of Operation and Maintenance – Nila

Tin Nilar TheinJoined CNBM in 2017The Quality inspector of SINOMA (Handan) Myanmar Than Taw Myat O&M projectThere is a kind of accompany called "growth". There is a kind of emotion called "friendship", and there is a kind of mindset called "gratitude". In Handan SINOMA Myanmar Denomiao production protection project, there is such a Burmese employee, known as "operation and maintenance flower" Nila. With her simple and pragmatic work style, steady and dedicated work attitude, she showed the unique "style" of the project, and became a loyal "diehard fan" in the acquaintance with Chinese employees, the influence of corporate culture, and the learning of knowledge and technology.Nila, graduated from Mandalay University, Myanmar, majored in chemistry, and acquired her master’s degree in chemistry. In 2017, she joined Handan SINOMA Myanmar Dendomiao production protection project, engaged in raw material analysis and testing. Controlling raw materials into the market, she knows the responsibility on her shoulders. In the daily work, she always strictly implements quality control, is serious and responsible for the work. When the results of raw materials are inconsistent, she ‘s always the first to be on site for sampling, observing, analyzing, reporting, so as to adjust the material in time. No matter what the weather is, she never retreats. Vigorous and resolute, she has led the atmosphere for other colleagues as well, ensured the control of incoming raw materials, the authenticity of data, and the stability of quality.In the "localization" management of the project, Nila, as an old employee, patiently coached and taught hand by hand. The experience learned and encountered in her work were passed down to others, so that they can quickly "grow up". Over the years, many outstanding talents have been cultivated by her for the project.When she knew that other employees were not feeling well and asked for leave, she was always the first to rush to the supervisor's office, saying in "unfamiliar Chinese" : I... go to ... for ... he...work.” She said that, “Without this job, I don't know where to go.” Her heart is full of gratitude.

Reading through Nila's work notes, a sentence read: “A person's thoughts determine a person's fate. Dare not to challenge the difficult work, is to make their unlimited potential into limited achievements.” When asked about the source and interpretation of this sentence, she smiled and said silently: “I like SINOMA Handan. I like China. ”This is what her former Chinese colleague told her.Under the "Belt and Road" Initiative, all the staff of Handan SINOMA Myanmar project will not forget the original intention and will forge ahead. Combined with the company's localized management, the company has diversified local development, and promoted the employment of local employees. We get to know a group of Myanmar employees, from mere acquaintance to friends with whom we can talk about everything. Since 2017, we have gone through seven years together. Seven years of youth witnessed the ups and downs of Handan SINOMA Myanmar production protection project. Under the guidance of the company's strategic policy, all the personnel of Handan SINOMA Myanmar Dantomiao production preservation project have attracted many "diehard fans". Let's keep striving together.Personal Insights:Jobs are precious and need to be cherished. The post is not only the company's recognition but also a test for us. Thus we should always stick to the post, and be responsible for the work, for the company, for ourselves. We should work hard to create value to reward the company. I love SINOMA (Handan). I love China.

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