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Hangzhou Design & Research Institute Signed a Contract with Saint-Gobain Gypsum (Huludao) Co., Ltd

  Source: China New Building Materials Industry Hangzhou Design& Research Instituteat 15:13:09 on April 11, 2011
On the morning of April 9, China New Building Materials Industry Hangzhou Design& Research Institutesigned a contract with Saint-Gobain Gypsum (Huludao) Co., Ltd. in Shanghai. Lin Churong, Director of Hangzhou Institute and Sheng Zhaoning, General Manager of Saint-Gobain, signed the contract as the representatives of both parties. According to the contract, Hangzhou Institute will design, manufacture, install and commission the freezing belt, cutter, wet board conveyor, dryer and dry-end equipment for the gypsum plasterboard production line with the capacity of 30 million square metersper year for Saint-Gobain Gypsum (Huludao) Co., Ltd. The project is expected to commence in the middle of October this year and all the machines will be installed by April 2012.

🅠The contract is a milestone marking that the gypsum technology and equipment of Hangzhou Institute have been recognized by the world-famous gypsum producer and selected into the procurement list of Saint-Gobain Group for the gypsum products.

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