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CTIEC signs general contract for RUS 5,000t/d cement production line

Source: Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry 2011/5/30
On May 27, 2011, China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. (CTIEC) held a grand signing ceremony for the general contract of the 5,000t/d cement project in Zeya in the Far East of Russia.
The project is another international cement EPC project of CTIEC after the 5,000t/d one in Azerbaijan, as well as a new large cement EPC project of CITEC in its effort to develop the cement engineering markets of Russia and the CIS after it successively performed and completed the 2,500t/d, 2,500t/d and 3,000t/d cement projects in Kirghizia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan respectively. After completion, the project will fundamentally change the situation of cement shortage in the Far East of Russia, and will play a positive role in enhancing the international popularity of CTIEC in cement contracting and implementing its strategy of “going out”.  
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