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Kiamusze 300,000t/y GGBS production line goes into production

Source: BDRIGI for Glass Industry  2011/8/19 16:52:55     Recently, the 300,000t/y ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) production line of Kiamusze Dongfeng Cement Co., Ltd. under CNBM Beifang Cement Group, designed by Beijing Triumph Building Materials Engineering Co., Ltd., has met the design requirements for GGBS output and all other indicators and gone into production after intense commissioning.

     Beijing Triumph embarked upon project design in March 2010, overcame a lot of technical problems through elaborate organization and rational deployment, with the close cooperation of the owner, conducted commissioning from February, and reached the designed capacity and standard on April 5. As a result of a test, the single-unit output was 50t, and the specific surface area was 450m2/kg, far above the design standard (420m2/kg).

     GGBS has latent hydraulicity. Using GGBS as concrete admixture can not only replace a same amount of cement, but also boost multiple properties of concrete, is a quality mixing and admixing material for cement or concrete. The completion of the production line has not only sharpened the local competitiveness of Kiamusze Beifang Cement Co., Ltd., but also widened Beijing Triumph’s business scope in the field of GGBS.
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