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Viglacera delegation visits CTIEC

Source: BDRIGI 2011/10/19     On the morning of October 17, Nguyen Anh Tuan, president of Viglacera Corporation, headed a delegation to China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. (CTIEC). Peng Shou, chairman and president of CTIEC, warmly received and held friendly talks with the delegation in Shanghai.     In talks, Peng and Tuan spoke highly of achievements in cooperation between the two sides, and exchange ideas on common concerns. Subsequently, Peng emphatically introduced the latest trends of energy-conserving glass and new energy. Tuan showed great interest and looked forward to further cooperating with CTIEC in this respect. Recently, the two sides have decided to establish a mechanism of regular high-level exchange visit to cement cooperation and communication.     Lv Hongwei, vice president of CTIEC; Ge Chengquan, chief engineer; Xu Bin, president assistant and director of the glass department; and Wang Congxiao, president assistant and director of the new energy department were present.
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