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Harvard Business School Collects CNBM’ Reorganization as a Case

Data source: CNBMReleased on: Oct. 26, 2011

     On Oct. 25, CNBM Company (hereinafter referred to as “CNBM”) held the “Harvard Business School Case News Conference” in Beijing, on which, the book CNBM: Promote the Development of China’s Cement industry🐈, jointly wrote by Professor Joseph Bow of Harvard University and Senior Researcher GA Deng Naiwen was officially published, which means the merger and integration experience of CNBM in China’s cement industry was collected in the case base of Harvard Business School.

     Shao Ning, Deputy Director of the SASAC of the State Council, Song Zhiping; President of CNBM and Chairman of Board of Directors of CNBM; Jiang Junlu , Outside Director of CNBM Group; Lei Qianzhi, Vice Chairman of CNBM Association and Chairman of China Cement Association; Chen Qiliang, Director of the 25th💖 Office of the SASAC Board of Supervisors; Wang Runqiu, Deputy Director of the Enterprise Reform Bureau of SASAC of the State Council, Wu Tongxing, Deputy Director of the Enterprise Restructuring  Bureau, Yin Changbo, Deputy Director of the Enterprise Distribution Bureau, Li Huifang, Deputy Director of the Second Administration Bureau of Enterprise Leading Personnel; Yao Yan, General Manager of CNBM Group; Zhan Jian, Guo Jiantang, Outside Directors of the CNBM Group; Deng Naiwen, Senior Researcher of Harvard Business School and author of CNBM Case of Harvard Business School; Liu Chijin, First President of the Beijing Alumni Association of Harvard Business School and CEO of the Pan-Pacific Management Institute; Tong Yunhuan, General Secretary of the National MBA Education Steering Committee and Thomas Gorman, President and Chief Editor of FORTUNE China attended the news conference. The news conference was hosted by CEO of CNBM Cao Jianglin.

     According to Professor Bow, author of CNBM Case of Harvard Business School, one distinguishing feature of Harvard Business School is the case teaching methodology, the original experience or revelation from a certain aspect of a company is the main standard when Harvard Business School selects a case. Scholars are searching important cases that effectively resolve the management problems of the corporation around the world. The problems faced by CNBM in promoting the integration of China’s cement industry are very typical and the achievements have provided important experiences for big companies in joint restructuring process about how to improve management efficiency, technical level and optimizing management approach, making the case a model of innovative management practice for world business leaders and students of the Business School.
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