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Yao Yan Participates in the Spot Meeting of National Potential Safety Hazard Governance and Makes a Speech on Experience Exchanging

Data resource: CNBM GroupReleased on: Oct. 28, 2011     On Oct. 26 and 27, the Spot Meeting of National Potential Safety Hazard Governance was held in Beijing. Luo Lin, Chief Director of the State Administration of Work Safety, and Deputy Directors Sun Huashan and Fu Jianhua attended the meeting and made important speeches. As the only enterprise representative to exchange experience in the meeting, Yao Yan, General Manager of CNBM Group, made a speech titled the Application of Modern Information Technology in Potential Safety Hazard Governance of Large Scale Manufacturing Enterprises on behalf of the Group.     In the speech, Yao Yan deeply analyzed the characteristics of the safety production informationization management system of the Group, emphasizing the main functions, application effects and work prospects of the safety production informationization management system, and pointed out that CNBM Group positively quest for using information technology to promote the safety management of industrial enterprise, putting the informationization construction of safety management which centers on the governance of potential hazard as an important component and core carrier of the safety system construction of the Group. Yao Yan’s speech has been widely recognized by the leaders of State Administration of Work Safety and representatives representing at the meeting.     At present, the safety production informationization management system has been applied in over 330 important member companies of CNBM Group, which has played a crucial role in improving and enhancing the forecasting warning, hazard identification and potential hazard governance of enterprise risks and adverse factors in the two years application period. In 2010, the system was awarded the first prize of modern innovation achievement of industrial business management by the Building Material Industry Association, and was granted the title of “National Key Demonstrative Project of the Fusion of Informationization and Industrialization to Promote Safety Production” by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2011.     The Vice General Manager of the Group Liu Baoying and relevant persons in charging of the enterprise management department attended the spot meeting.
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