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CNBM Group Participates in the 5th China International Sustainable Economy Industrialization Expo.

Data resource: CNBM GroupReleased on: Nov. 24, 2011     From Nov. 19-21, CNBM Group participated in the 5th China International Sustainable Economy Industrialization Expo together with its member enterprises. Wang Qingxi, Vice Chairman of Environment and Resources Council of NPC and Zhou Jian, Vice Minister of Ministry of Environmental Protection visited the booth of CNBM. After hearing the interpretation of Vice-general Manager Liu Baoying, they highly praised the achievements made by CNBM in the field of sustainable economy. Huang Xinchu, Standing Committee Member of Sichuan Province and Secretary of Chengdu Municipal Committee, Zhao Shitang, Deputy Director General of Comprehensive Bureau of SASAC of the State Council, Wang Xiaokang, President of China Energy Conservation Environmental Protection Group, leaders of relevant departments of the central government, and leaders from the relevant departments of Sichuan Province and Chengdu City also visited the Expo.      Focused on the development route of domestic building material industry in sustainable economy, CNBM Group displayed its experiences and achievements it has made in the fields of industrial circular economy technologies, equipment, products, new type building materials, new type houses and new energy resources with the forms of pictures, written materials, dynamic principle model, and real samples. In the Expo, CNBM’s demonstration attracted wide concerns and high praise from the visitors and other exhibitors.     During the Expo, CNBM Group was invited to attend the International Sustainable Economy Industry Leaders and Entrepreneurs Forum, at which Shi Xinyong, Deputy Director of China Building Material Test & Certification Center made a key-note speech. The content of the speech ranged from the systematic combination of enterprises’ energy management system and state laws, regulations and encouraging policies, the organic blend of the technical reform of energy saving projects and mature industry energy standards, the establishment of a normative and rational energy management system, to the experiences and advices in realizing enterprises’ and the society’s common goal of saving energy and reducing emission. Shi Xinyong also shared the experiences in sustainable economy of domestic companies with foreign experts.     Hefei Cement Research and Design Institute, CNBM Hangzhou Design and Research Institute, China Triumph International Engineering Company, Nanjing Kisen International Engineering Co., Ltd., Dujiangyan Ruitai Technology Co., Ltd., INTECH Building Co., Ltd. and Bejing New Building Material (Group) Co., Ltd. participated in the Expo as the member enterprises under CNBM Group. Leaders of the Dept. of Management of CNBM Group also attended the Expo.
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