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Yao Yan Leads the Delegation to Visit Russia

Data source: The International Cooperation Department  Released on: December 4, 2011

From November 25 to December 1, Yao Yan, General President of China National Building Materials Group Corporation, led the delegation to visit Russia. During her visit, Ms. Yao attended the 13th⛎ Russian International Cement, Concrete and Dry Blend Conference and Exhibition held in Moscow International Exhibition Center and “China Russia Cement Summit” held simultaneously; investigated Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute’s production line with daily production of 5000 tons clinkers in Slanch City, Russia; and held friendly talks with Russian Reconstruction Chamber of Commerce and Russian Cement Industrial Research Institute. Ms. Yao’s Russian visit of this time made great achievements.

In consideration of the excellent complementarity and broad cooperation between China and Russia Cement Industry, this “China Russia Cement Summit”, jointly held by China Cement Association and Russian Cement Production Union, invited over 100 experts and scholars of famous cement enterprises from China, Russia and the former Commonwealth of the Independent States. Both scale and standard of the Summit represented the highest development level of China and Russia Cement Industry. The Summit consists of position paper and round-table conference. At the Summit, Ms. Yao made a key-note speech of “Cooperation Prospect of China and Russia Cement Industry”. In her speech, Ms. Yao elaborated the development course of China cement industry with simple languages from three aspects, namely the current development situation and the advantages of China cement industry, and the future cooperation potential and field of China and Russia cement industry; in addition, she also expressed the broad development prospect provided for the cooperation of China and Russia cement industry by the technology and strength of China National Building Materials Group Corporation. Ms. Yao’s speech was full and accurate, persuasive, attracting great attention and winning reception, thus playing an excellent role in publicizing the scientific research and technological development of China cement industry, and the comprehensive capacity of China National Building Materials Group Corporation. During the Summit, Ms. Yao met the Chairman of Russian Reconstruction Chamber of Commerce and principals of Russian Cement Industrial Research Institute. They exchanged ideas in terms of cooperation issues including cement technological research and publicity of newly typed houses. Both sides agreed that infrastructure construction of Russia would be prosperous in the following years and the social demand for low cost houses and cement would be on fast increase; thus there would be broad cooperation space regarding the above issue between China and Russia. On the basis of mutual benefit, complementary advantages, and win-win, Ms. Yao expressed that China National Building Materials Group Corporation would support the hearted cooperation between its affiliated enterprises and Russia and was willing to make a contribution together with Russia to promoting the development of Russian building materials industry including cement and advancing economy and trade communication between China and Russia. During her visit, Ms. Yao specially investigated Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute’s production line with daily production of 5000 tons clinkers in Slanch City, Russia, over 200 kilometers away from Saint Petersburg, Russia. She confirmed and praised the first cement production line built in Russia by China National Building Materials Group Corporation; in addition, she expressed that it was an effective and important step for China National Building Materials Group Corporation to develop Russian market because it accumulated rich experience to lay a solid foundation for the future deeper exploration into Russian market. Ms. Yao’s successful visit to Russia laid a solid foundation for the future deeper exploration into Russian market of China National Building Materials Group Corporation and its affiliated enterprises. The delegation consisted of Wei Feng, General Manager Assistant of China National Building Materials Group Corporation, Xu Ning, President of Hefei Cement Design Research Institute, Bao Wei, Chief Engineer, and Yan Bilan, President Assistant of China Building Materials Academy.
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