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China National Building Materials Group Corporation Holds 2011 Foreign Trade Experience Exchanging Conference

Data source: The International Cooperation Department Released on: December 13, 2011 On December 10, China National Building Materials Group Corporation held 2011 Foreign Trade Experience Exchanging Conference. General Manager Yao Yan made important instructions for the Conference; Vice General Manager Ma Jianguo attended the Conference; Vice General Manager Huang Anzhong made a speech. The Conference was hosted by Wei Feng, General Manager Assistant and General Manager of the International Cooperation Department.   Since the second half of 2011, various factors including the constant slowdown of world economy, the constant expansion of European Debt Crisis, global inflation, appreciation of the RMB, restriction of trade protectionism have been affecting the import and export business of the Corporation. According to the instructions of General Manager Yao Yan and aiming at promoting the stable development of the foreign trade business of the Corporation and helping all enterprises to better master foreign trade ways and transform development ways, the Corporation specially held the Foreign Trade Experience Exchanging Conference. The Conference taking the tenent of promoting communication and study was held in the form of experience introduction and seminar. CNBM International, CNBM Wood Trade Co., Ltd., China Fiberglass Co., Ltd., and CNBM Investment Co., Ltd. introduced their experience in detail in terms of overseas logistics park construction, Okorder operation, overseas resources base construction, overseas marketing network construction, overseas entity trade development and management; experts of China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation and Deutsche Bank explained risk response, foreign exchange, interest rates, and bulk commodity transaction in the operation of international trade. At the Conference, Huang Anzhong thought highly of the achievements of the Corporation made in foreign trade in recent years, analyzed the harsh reality faced by China foreign trade industry, and put forward three requirements for the Corporation’s foreign trade next: (1) Strategic positioning. It requires all companies of the Corporation to plan international business, aim at “Being No.1 and No. 2”, and carry out leading strategy on the basis of their own advantages and four strategies of “large market, staple commodities, main clients, and great brands”’ (2) mode innovation. Its core is to realize value appreciation, improve the control force of the overall business chain, and shorten the distance to the final users. For example, CNBMIT Co., Ltd. and CNBM Dubai Logistics Center have realized the sales transformation from simple product sales, shop sales to logistics center, thus shortening the distance to users; CNBM Forest Products Co., Ltd. has realized the control of imported staple resources over upstream resources in terms of forest; Okorder has replaced traditional transaction ways with modern transaction ways; (3) lay a solid foundation. Managing and Controlling cost and risk; on the basis of planning and tolerance and investment, cultivate talents in terms of both quality and quantity; as one of Fortune 500, we shall benchmark and cooperate with first-class global enterprises because only by doing that can we find our disadvantages, learn the most advanced things, and become a first-class global enterprise. This Conference provides a chance for everyone to study, exchange ideas, share experience, and have cooperation; and builds a platform for the Corporation to integrate internationalization resources, realize resources sharing, mutual benefit and win-win results. Over 60 persons including principals from the International Cooperation Department of the Corporation and managing leaders and business mainstay of the affiliated foreign trade companies of the Corporation attended the Conference.
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