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Special Project in National Science and Technology Support Program Undertaken by QGIRDI Identified as Scientific and Technological Achievement

Source: Science and Technology Management Department  Date: January 2, 2012On December 30, 2011, the appraisal meeting of "Oxy-Fuel Combustion System Spray Gun, Supporting Material Localization, Development and Application of Glass Melting Furnace Pure Oxygen Combustion Supporting System”, a special project in the "Eleventh Five-Year" national science and technology support program “Glass Melting Furnace Oxy-Fuel Technology” undertaken by the Qinhuangdao Glass Industry Research & Design Institute (QGIRDI), was held in Beijing.The appraisal committee was composed of experts from China Building Material Federation, the Chinese Ceramic Society, the Science and Technology Education Committee of China Building Material Federation, Wuhan University of Technology, Yanshan University, China Architectural and Industrial Glass Association, TRIUMPH Building Materials Engineering Co., Ltd., CNBM Hangzhou Design & Research Institute, China Yaohua Glass Group Corporation, Shijiazhuang Baoshi Electronics Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu SHD New Materials Co., Ltd., and other units, with Zhang Renwei, Honorary President of China Building Material Federation, and Zhang Ping’an, Senior Expert of the Federation’s Science and Technology Education Committee, serving as the Appraisal Committee’s Director And Vice Director respectively. On the meeting, attendees heard the working report, research report, economic and social benefit report by the project team, a user report delivered by a representative speaker from Shandong Jin Jing Energy Efficient Glass Co., Ltd., and an expert site investigation report and so on; then, the project were highly appraised and the direction was pointed out for Qinhuangdao Glass Industry Research & Design Institute in of its future promotion of industrial energy conservation and emission reduction.Through enquiries and discussions, experts present at the meeting unanimously agreed that as a whole, the project’s achievements have reached the international advanced level; and such achievements are significant for energy conservation and emission reduction, energy utilization ratio and glass quality improvement of the glass industry, thus tending to bring remarkable economic and social benefits as well as have broad market prospects. 
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