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Song Zhiping Honored among “Top 10 Figures for Assuming Social Responsibilities in 2011"

Source: CNBM Date: January 10, 2012 On January 9, 2012, the 6th “Social Responsibility Award" prize-giving ceremony sponsored by People's Daily Online was held in Beijing. This year, the selection was themed with “innovation and transformation”; and 10 institutions and 10 individuals were awarded as outstanding institutions and figures for assuming social responsibilities respectively. Song Zhiping, Chairman of China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM) and China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation, was elected into “Top 10 Figures for Assuming Social Responsibilities in 2011”.  In his speech delivered at the prize-giving ceremony, Chairman Song Zhiping said he was very happy to receive such a prestigious award, which is not only an honor of himself but also an honor of CNBM’s 130,000 staff members. CNBM as a central government affiliated enterprise has been adhering to its corporate philosophy of “Be innovation- and performance-oriented, be energy-saving, be environment-friendly and be oriented at social responsibility” for years; by conducting market-oriented operations, it has explored a development path of giving priority to coalition and restructuring. While having realized a sound and rapid corporate development, CNBM has actively shouldered social responsibilities and led the common development of enterprises with different ownership structures, thus having led the structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading of the building material industry and established its sound image as a responsible and harmonious enterprise. Such an honor is not only an affirmation of CNBM’s achievements in the past but also represents expectations for the future of CNBM, the global largest building material manufacturer: CNBM will certainly do better in future.
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