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Song Zhiping Met Vice Gov Sun Yao of Heilongjiang Province and His Entourage

Source: Investment and Development Department  Date: February 10, 2012 On February 8, Chairman Song Zhiping and General Manager Yao Yan of China Building Materials Group (CNBM) met with the visiting Heilongjiang Province Vice Governor Sun Yao and his party in the first floor conference room. At the meeting, the two sides exchanged ideas concerning the cooperation between CNBM and Heilongjiang Province in the field of building materials and reached a preliminary consensus on the next stage project cooperation. CNBM will continue to increase the joint reorganization efforts of the cement industry in Heilongjiang, jointly promote and safeguard the healthy development of Heilongjiang's cement market; meanwhile, CNBM under the guidance and support of the Heilongjiang Provincial Government will cooperate with religion enterprises in Heilongjiang to establish a timber production base in Russia, and building materials and commodities network logistics trading base in the Russia and Far East. The two sides also reached a consensus about promotion and application of energy saving houses and other projects. Vice Governor Sun Yao said that the Heilongjiang Provincial Government will give full support to the above projects and provide more incentives and support to the Harbin FRP Institute relocation project.   Shuangyashan City Mayor Wu Fengcheng, Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Commerce Deputy Director He Fangbo, Jiamusi City Deputy Secretary-General Yang Haifeng, CNBM Board Secretary Guang Zhaoyu, Investment and Development Department Vice President Wei Rushan etc. accompanied at the meeting.
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