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CNBM, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group and Activ Solar Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement

Source: CNBM Import and Export  Date: February 16, 2012 On February 15, the three parties of China National Building Materials Group (CNBM), China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group and Activ Solar in Ukraine signed a strategic cooperation agreement. CNBM Deputy General Manager Liu Baoying, Deputy General Manager, CNBM Import and Export General Manager Huang An’zhong met in Beijing with visiting Deputy General Manager Zhang Weiqing of China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, Deputy General Manager Gao Ping of China Guangdong Nuclear Power Solar Energy Company and CNBM CEO Kevin and his party.        Ukraine is the largest photovoltaic power plant investor, operator and service provider in Ukraine, and an important customer of photovoltaic products of the CNBM Import and Export; China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group is a central government affiliated enterprise as well as supplier and service provider focusing on nuclear power while engaged in solar, wind and other clean energies. China Guangdong Nuclear Solar Energy Company under China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group is an investing operator in the field of photovoltaic power plants. Kevin spoke highly of and expressed heartfelt thanks to fruitful cooperation with the CNBM as well as good wishes to the future tripartite co-operation. He hoped that the three parties can establish a closer cooperation mechanism to promote the progress of the project cooperation. Leaders from CNBM Import and Export, CNBM international Trade and other relevant leaders attended the signing ceremony.
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