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Group Leaders Attended Fourth Edition of French CEOs Meet Chinese CEOs

 Source: International Cooperation Department Date: March 28, 2012 On March 27, Fourth Edition of French CEOs Meet Chinese CEOs was held in Beijing. Guo Chaomin, Vice President of China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM), attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Presidents of the Chinese and French enterprises launched an in-depth discussion on the current world financial environment, the impact of the exchange rate issue on enterprise development, as well as the European debt crisis and other issues. Mr. Christian de Boissieu, Chairman of the Economic Analysis Council (CAE) working with the French Prime Minister and Professor of Economics at the Sorbonne in Paris, and Mr. Wang Wei, the Secretary-General of Global M & A Research Center, delivered keynote speeches titledImpact of Euro zone Debt Crisis on the Chinese and European Companies and China's New Model of Economic Development: Relationship between State-Owned, Collectively-Owned, and Private and Foreign Companies respectively.

In his speech, Guo Chaomin introduced the recent development of China National Building Materials Group (CNBM); and he exchanged ideas with executives of Saint-Gobain, the Bank of Scotland, Lazard Group and other groups on the development of China's building materials industry in recent years. He said CNBM has seized the strategic opportunity period for China's development and structural adjustment to the building materials industry, increased operating income from over RMB1billion yuan a decade ago to nearly RMB 200 billion yuan and achieved development by leaps and bounds. As regards to international development, CNBM needs to learn from the world's leading building materials enterprises and explore an international model suitable for its own development needs.  
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