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Michael Zhu Visits China National Building Materials Import & Export Corporation

Source: China National Building Materials Import & Export Corporation Date: May 25, 2012 On May 22, Huang Anzhong, Vice President of China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM) and President of China National Building Materials & Equipment Import & Export Corporation (CBMIE), met with Michael Zhu, Director of Global Sales of Vale of Brazil and his entourage.  Huang Anzhong introduced operations of CNBM and CBMIE, highlighted the rapid development of the company's iron ore business and its marketing positioning and unique advantages distinguishing it from other traders. He pointed out that CBMIE has been ranking among the top China iron ore traders for many years, and committed to being a world-class international service provider of building materials and the best integrated supplier of commodities, and will fully utilize its resources and channel advantages to carry out cooperation in wider areas with Vale. Michael Zhu pointed out that Vale as the world's largest iron ore producer and exporter has kept sound partnership with China National Building Materials Import & Export Corporation for years, and hoped that the two sides can deepen understanding and cooperation to achieve mutual benefits on the original basis.  
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