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CTC Establishes Two International Standard Projects

Source: Department of International Cooperation Date: May 30, 2012

From May 7 to May 11, 2012, IEC/TC82 (International Electrotechnical Commission / Photovoltaic System Standardization Technical Committee) solar photovoltaic system WG2 components working group meeting was held in Italy. The meeting was attended by over 60 representatives and experts in photovoltaic field from the United States, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, and China components and materials manufacturers. After one year of careful preparation, the two solar photovoltaic glass standard proposals from China Building Materials Test & Inspection Group (CTC), including Solar Cell TCO Glass Total Haze and Haze Spectral Distribution Test Method and Solar Cell TCO Glass Transmissivity and Reflectivity Test Method🧸 were unanimously adopted by all member states by vote. In the coming years, CTC will develop the two international standards together with experts from the five member countries. So far, following the successful formulation of the first domestic building materials industry international standard by CTC, CTC has successfully applied for the project establishment of six international standards, with one released and five being developed. The successful establishment of two solar photovoltaic glass standards projects marked another successful practice of CTC towards the highest level of test and certification technology.

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