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Owner’s final acceptance of Russian cement production line project contracted by Hefei Institute

Source: Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute Date: July 25, 2012

On July 19thꦛ, the 5000t/d clinker cement production line of Slantsy cement company in Russia as generally contracted by Hefei Institute was accepted by the owner, with the final acceptance certificate signed.

The 5000t/d clinker cement production line of Slantsy is now the largest industrial project undertaken by China in Russia,and also the only generally-contracted cement project inclusive of construction and installation undertaken by China in Russia.To undertake this project,the owner has purchased the electric equipment and design for the main production line from Denmark FLS,and Hefei Institute is held to be responsible for other designs,equipment supply and the construction and installation of the whole project. Confronted by various unfavorable conditions.For example, the serious delay of supply of partial equipment and the complex and rigid requirements for Russian projects, and the field being covered by snow in half of the year, Hefei Institute encouraged the project participants to deal with difficulties proactively to finally accomplish the project.  
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