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CNBM Continuously Ranks First on China’s Top 500 Building Materials Enterprises

Source: CNBM Date: Sep 1, 2012 

On August 30, 2012, the release meeting of "China's top 500 Building Enterprises in 2012" hosted by CBMEA and co-hosted by CNBM Group Corporation, BBMG Corporation and BNBM Corporation was grandly held in Beijing and CNBM Group Corporation, with the proud achievement of business revenue of RMB 194.1 billion, continuously ranked the first in "China's Top 500 Building Enterprises in 2012". CNBM Company, CNBM Group Import & Export Corporation and South Cement Co., Ltd. under CNBM all ranked the first 10 of China Building Enterprises Top 500. In the list of Fortune Global 500 Top Companies published in July 2012, CNBM Group improved by 120 ranks compared with last year, ranking the 365thඣ of Global 500 and the second position of global building materials enterprises steadily.

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