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CNBM Group Attends the 2nd International New Material Industry Expo

Source: CNBM Date: Sep 11, 2012  On September 6 to 8 2012, the 2012 China New Material Industry Expo(the Expo) jointly held by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government was grandly opened in Harbin. CNBM Group, together with its membership enterprises Beijing New Building Materials (Group) Co., Ltd., Beijing New Materials Public Limited Company, Zhongfu Shenying Carbon Fiber Co., Ltd. and Harbin Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Research Institute jointly participated in the exhibition and reached preliminary cooperation intention with many enterprises participating in the expo on the application of gypsum plastic board, light steel structure houses, carbon fiber and other new materials. This expo highlighted the theme of "new material, new function, new opportunity and new development" and aimed at taking the expo as media, strengthening exchange and promoting cooperation to make all circles focus on new materials and all forces further father in new materials, thus promoting the industry step to a newer and more perfect level. Up to 50,000 person-times attended the expo, creating a new record. With new energy saving building materials and high-performance inorganic nonmetal materials as the key points and through illustration and subject materials, the exhibition area of CNBM Group systematically presented the staged achievements of the company to vigorously develop such high-performance composite materials as new green energy saving building materials, pre-fab housing and explore and develop carbon fiber and high-performance basalt fiber composite reinforcement supported by the state from the aspects of new wall materials, new composite materials, new refractory materials and pre-fab housing systems. The exhibition area is 36,000 square meters in total and divided into theme exhibition area, international exhibition area, provincial and municipal exhibition area, central state-owned enterprises and colleges and universities exhibition area and comprehensive exhibition area. More than 1000 enterprises, universities and colleges and scientific research institutes from 8 countries and regions including America, France, Germany, Holland, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan as well as 35 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and municipalities with independent planning status participated in the exhibition. During the exhibition, many theme activities like forum, achievement release, project docking and academic exchange were also conducted. It is expected that the contract amount and intended contract amount will break through RMB 20 billion in the new material expo and cooperation trading volume up to about RMB 12 billion.   
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