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Chairman Song Zhiping attends China Jushi 18th Annual International Conference on Fiberglass

Source: CNBM Date: October 16th, 2012 

𒊎On October 11, China Jushi 18th Annual International Conference on Fiberglass opened in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province. Zhang Renwei, honorary chairman of the China Building Materials Federation; Song Zhiping, chairman of China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM); Cao Jianglin, director of CNBM, president of China National Building Materials Company Limited and chairman of China Fiberglass Co., Ltd.; as well as professional composite producers from across the world, high-level leaders and elitists in the building materials industry, and journalists attended the conference.Song addressed the opening speech, saying great changes have taken place in the conference since its first edition in 1995. As one of the most important gatherings in the global composite industry, the conference has become a carrier for development and cooperation, a bridge for exchanges and communication, as well as an all-round and multi-level dialogue platform for product development and innovation. It is a precious opportunity offered by Jushi Group to domestic and overseas customers to share successful experience and share the joy of success. Previous editions have witnessed Jushi’s development and achievements. CNBM will continue to support Jushi’s development, hoping it will, under the guidance of the new development objective, achieve greater success to become a high-end, integrated and globalized enterprise and make new greater contributions to boosting China’s fiberglass industry and promoting the healthy and rapid development of the world fiberglass and composite industry.

As one of the major international events in the composite industry, the Annual International Conference on Fiberglass organized by Jushi Group has developed into a high-level exchange platform for composite producers worldwide, as well as an industrial gathering that combines market research findings, domestic and overseas industrial exchanges, high-tech forums and latest products release, and propels the construction of a self-regulatory competition environment in the industry. Also, it has become the “weathervane for the development of the fiberglass industry” to some degree. This year’s conference brought together professional composite producers from across the world, as well as high-level leaders and elitists in the building materials industry, to seek opportunities for future common development and strategic cooperation in ways including news release, technical seminar, product display and business exchange.

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