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CTIEC forges all-round strategic partnership with Italcementi

Source: Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass IndustryDate: October 24th, 2012 

🌄On October 22, at the invitation of Italcementi, Peng Shou, chairman of China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. (CTIEC), visited Italcementi’s headquarters in Bergamo, reaching consensuses with Donega, senior vice president of Italcementi on a wide range of issues, including new cement plant project, existing plant renovation, energy conservation and emission reduction, and PV power station, forging an all-round strategic partnership.As a world-famous cement group with a history of 150 years, Italcementi has robust demand and market potential in the fields above. By outstanding business performance and technical level, CTIEC has gained high recognition from Italcementi. The two sides agreed that they would give full play to respective advantages in project cooperation.

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