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CNBM (Zhenjiang) Photo-electricity Application Technology InstituteAwarded New Energy Prize

♔Source: Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry

Date: Nov. 5th, 2012 

At Chinese Renewable Energy Conference on Nov. 1st🧸, the “New Energy House” and “New Energy Yacht” developed by CNBM (Zhenjiang) Photo-electricity Application Technology Institutewere favored by numerous experts. After assessment by the committee, CNBM (Zhenjiang) Photo-electricity Application Technology Institute was granted with the prize of “2012 Most Innovative New Energy Enterprise”.

New energy house is the latest achievement developed by CNBM (Zhenjiang) Photo-electricity Application Technology Institute under Bengbu Glass Industry Design Research Institute, which integrates various technologies such as solar building integration, energy storage technology, new type energy-saving building materials and roof structure system, and intellectual energy management etc., realizes harmonization and uniformity of “Energy Creation, Energy Saving, Energy Storage, Energy Intelligence”, and creates a new mode for industrial upgrading and new energy utilization for building construction and building materials in our country. The developed single new energy house can save standard coal by more than 40 t and reduce the emission of carbon dioxide by more than 100 t every year through energy saving technology and maximal utilization of solar energy (including solar energy photo-thermal and photovoltaic system) etc.. Through adopting various leading technologies such as high efficient energy-saving building enclosure system, heat/cold storage material, new energy storage battery and multiple energy complementary technology etc., as well as the equipped IT-EMS roof energy management system, together with optional equipment such as sewage treatment system, earth source heat pump, small wind power and biomass power generation systems etc., the new energy house can reduce the consumption of traditional energy of house to about zero, and can be used for construction of new type residential blocks and public buildings as well as special applications in sea islands, deserts and grazing lands etc. 

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