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Cement Grinding System with the World's Largest Single-set Productivity Was Put Into Operation

Source: Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute 

Date: Nov. 9th, 2012 

In August 2012, two sets of HFCG180-160 roll squeezers assorted with one φ4.6×14.5m open-circuit cement grinding system, developed by Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute (hereinafter referred to as Hefei Institute) and CNBM (Hefei) Powder Technology Equipment Co., Ltd., was successfully put into operation on Xinjiang Kezilesukeerkezi Autonomic State 6000t/d cement clinker production line generally contracted by the Hefei Institute. In October 2012, the Owner and the General Contractor jointly performed a performance test for the powder grinding system of this production line for 3 successive days, with the result as follows: When producing PO42.5# cement with specific area of 358 m2/kg, the system productivity was 356 t/h and the system electricity consumption was 28.43 kWh/t; when producing PC32.5# cement with specific area of 364 m2ꦜ/kg, the system productivity was 383 t/h and the system electricity consumption was 25.75 kWh/t. The putting into operation of this production line indicates that the cement powder grinding system with the world’s largest single-set productivity has been successfully applied and at the same time the power consumption indicator of this powder grinding system has reached the current international advanced level.

This system is a successful product after developing and applying a series of latest technologies and devices on the basis of applying the scientific & technology achievement of “Research, Development and Application of Key Powder Grinding Equipment on Large New Dry-method Cement Production Line” prepared by the Hefei Institute and awarded 2011 National Prize for Progress in Science, which provides reliable technology and successful example for altering combined powder grinding system constituted by small roll squeezer and ball grinder that built in early stage.This cement powder grinding system is jointly demonstrated and completed by the Hefei Institute and Xinjiang QSCC and is another significant achievement of the both parties for strategic cooperation, and is another successful example for establishing strategic alliances to jointly promote science & technology progress between institutes and enterprises. This system has four advantages: (1) It avoids processing, transporting and repairing problems etc. resulted from excessive large size and weight of roll squeezer equipment; (2) The two sets of roll squeezers are independent systems which can be conveniently managed, adjusted and controlled, and at the same time, the two sets of roll squeezers are equipped with a set of ball grinder which can be used as backup for each other; (3) It has agilely adjusted particle distribution function for finished product of cement, where particle grading of finished product can be changed through appropriately regulating of difference between grinding materials fed into the two sets of roll squeezers; and (4) It further decreases the size of grinding body which further improves the reliability of ball grinder and further decreases the noise in workshop. 
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