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CNBM Wins “2012 Most Innovative Chinese Company Award”

ꦅSource: China National Building Materials Co., Ltd. 

Date: Nov. 16th, 2012 On November 15, “2012 Wealth CEO Summit” was held in Beijing by Fortune Magazine in conjunction with Pan-Pacific Management Institute. Both the political and business people gathered in the summit to discuss the theme of “To be a great enterprise”. Mr. Cao Jianglin, president of China National Building Materials Co., Ltd. attended the summit and received the “2012 Most Innovative Chinese Company Award”on behalf of the company.During the panel discussion of CEO summit, Mr. Cao Jianglin conducted wonderful communication with the guests on the topic of “Original Thoughts of Enterpriser”, and put forward the professional accomplishment of loyalty and diligence and the operation principle of integrity and persistence. He said ideals, passion and responsibility are essential to the leader of the enterprise, and they should establish ideals, overcome difficulties, and bear the responsibility. In addition, the leaders should pay attention to enterprise's social attribute, understand the political environment, follow the policy orientation, grasp the economic trends, and focus on what they can do.At the award, 25 enterprises won the “2012 Most Innovative Chinese Company Award”. The selection of the award is evaluated and finally determined by the expert team from five aspects of innovation atmosphere, technical innovation, management innovation, product and marketing innovation, and enterprise competitiveness, based on the analysis of the financial indicators of the top 500 enterprises in China over the past three years.Mr. Cao Jianglin accepted the award presentation of Gorman, president and chief editor of Fortune Magazine (Chinese version) and delivered a speech. He pointed out the key to success of CNBM is the continuous innovation and development, including the all-round innovation in development mode, business mode, and management mode.After listed in 6 years, CNBM started from scratch, made expansions by stock joint reorganization, conducted technological transformation and upgrade by incremental investment, improved enterprise profitability by management integration and substantially increased the business indicators in successive years, so that CNBM becomes the leading enterprise in domestic building material industry among the complex and intense competition and achieves leapfrog developments based on innovation.

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