China Building Materials Academy Initially Published English Journal of Science and Technology
English journal of China Building Materials Academy (CBMA)--Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials𝕴 was initially launched and published in the last third of November. This academic journal was issued around the globe assumed by British Taylor & Francis Group. General Manager of China National Building Materials Group Corporation, president of CBMA Yao Yan served as subeditor.
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials๊is to report the latest international progresses in theoretical and application researches of cement-based materials, composite cement and other cements; publish research results of cement and concrete properties and performances, advanced efficient test methods and technologies, latest theoretical analysis and module establishment methods, latest test technologies of cement concrete as well as performance improvement studies in cement-based materials to promote communications and spreading of cement-based materials research results. Initial issue published cement concrete research achievements obtained by academician of American Academy of Engineering, foreign academician of China Academy of Engineering professor S.P.Shah, academician of China Academy of Engineering professor Sun Wei and specially-invited professor Shi Caijun of CBMA.
Members of editorial board are comprised of international well-known scholars in cement concrete including academician of American Academy of Engineering professor S.P.Shah, academician of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences Pavel Krivenko, academicians of China Academy of Engineering Sun Wei, Xu Delong and Miao Changwen, professor Shi Caijun of CBMA and other experts. Articles of the journal have been full-text collected by The Engineering Index (EI), and will be adopted by Science Citation Index (SCI) soon thereafter. Publication of CBMA English journal of science and technology (website: // will provide an international communication platform for cement concrete studies, exert active roles in fields of improving buildings safety, reducing production power consumptions of building materials and intensifying industrial waste utilization, adequately strengthen international influence of CBMA and effectively promote technological progress of Chinese and world-wide cement-based materials.