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CTIEC Holds a Glass Promotion Conference Successfully in Brazil

🙈Source: Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry

Date: December 13th, 2012

On December 11, after full preparations and planning, the glass promotion conference of China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. (CTIEC) took place in Sao Paulo, bringing together delegates from Brazil’s major glassware and glass bottle manufacturers, as well as the Brazil office of Mitsubishi.

⭕Peng Shou, president of the International Commission on Glass (ICG) and chairman & president of CTIEC, delivered an address on behalf of the organizer, introducing the rapid development and successful experience of China’s glass industry in recent years, and expressing CTIEC’s good wish to offer Brazilian glass enterprises high quality services with its experience and techniques accumulated over the years.

Subsequently, LuXin🐼, president of the Brazil Glass Association and executive member of ICG, introduced the development and major existing problems of Brazil's glass industry. He said that Brazil's glass industry was monopolized by several multinationals, due to the shortage of energy and the rise in labor costs, Brazilian enterprises are no match for their foreign peers and are under the heavy pressure of survival. To sharpen market competitiveness and protect the healthy development of Brazil’s national industry, he hoped CTIEC would take an active part in the product upgrading and technical renovation of Brazilian glass enterprises, send technical teams as soon as possible to communicate with Brazilian enterprises, find out their actual needs, and help them improve technologies, reduce energy consumption, increase product quality and sharpen market competitiveness.

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