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CTIEC visits Brazilian cement giant Votorantim

Source: Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industꦛry

Date: December 18th, 2012

To develop the South American cement market and advance the “go global” strategy of China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. (CTIEC), Peng Shou, chairman of CTIEC, visited Votora☂ntim Cimentos, Brazil’s largest cement enterprise and one of the world’s top ten in the cement industry, and its parent company Votorantim Group, receiving warm welcome from Calfat, CEO of Votorantim Group.In the meeting, the two sides introduced respective situation, exchanged ideas on the cement industry in the two countries, and reached a consensus on advancing strategic cooperation with cement and cogeneration project service as beginning. In view of Votorantim’s recognition of CTIEC’s strength in the cement industry and strong interest in cement cogeneration, the two sides decided to push forward communication and exchanges at the level of technical execution.

Votorantim Group is a conglomerate engaged in industries including power generation, papermaking, food, metal smelting and cement. It achieved business revenues of 12 billion US dollars in 2011. Its subsidiary Votorantim Cimento has over 50 cement production lines in countries and regions like Brazil, the US, Canada and Africa, and is further expanding production capacity.
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