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Zhongfu Lianzhong Re-signs Rotor Blade Export Order Valuing $10 Million

🥂Source: Lianyungang Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Group Co., Ltd 

Date: April 25, 2013

Recently, Lianyungang Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Group Co., Ltd (Zhongfu Lianzhong in short) resigns one batch of rotor blades export order valuing $10 million, which is the 3rd blades export order in 2013.

After importing 1.5 MW class rotor blade’s production line and technology from Germany in 2005, the company continuously increases technical innovation investment and sustainably perfects technical innovation system, its technical center is accredited as national enterprise technical center, national postdoctoral scientific research station is approved to set up, and the first domestic blade layout inspection test center passes the acceptance of CNAS laboratory. After years of growth, our blade product category covers 9 series consisting of 30-plus blade types, which has met fast growth demand of wind power sector, wherein blade equipped for 6 MW wind generator is in service for almost 2 years. While leading the domestic market in terms of market share, Zhongfu Lianzhong proactively pursues go-global strategy, sparing no effort to explore overseas market, and its product quality and service receives universal recognition by clients home and abroad.Zhongfu Lianzhong exported nearly 200 sets of blades in 2012, and it fortunately obtains export orders for several projects in 2013, wherein its blade will be exported to Germany for the first time. Zhongfu Lianzhong blade presently has exported to such 10-plus countries as Brazil, Britain, Finland, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Bulgaria, Turkey, India, Korea and Japan in batch, thus influence in overseas market is increasingly heightened.

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