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CNBM Leader Travel to Azerbaijan Qizilda Cement Project for Safety Inspection, Salute and Survey

Source: CNBM

Date: May 14, 2013

On May 6~8th𒆙, Ma Jianguo, Vice President of China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM), and his delegation travel to Azerbaijan Qizilda cement project for safety inspection. During his stay in Azerbaijan, VP Ma, on behalf of CNBM, extends salute to all the employees in Azerbaijan and pays an official visit to project owner NORM and counselor Liu Weiguang with Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office of China Embassy in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan Qizilda cement project is one of critical overseas project undertaken by China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd (CTIEC)under CNBM with total contractual amount standing at 237 million US Dollars, and a production line with daily capacity of 5000t is to be built, which will be the largest cement plant in Caucasia region. Azerbaijan Qizilda cement Project Department establishes relative perfect safety management system with specific consideration to such features as high construction standard, difficult maritime transport and joint construction of Chinese and foreign contractors. The system focuses on safety institutional framework, safety system establishment, safety education and training, construction site management, emergency response program management, occupational health management, and special equipment management, such that the safety management level is fully upgraded to ensure the attainment of safety objective and smooth completion of the project as scheduled.

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