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Chairman Song Zhiping Meets with CRH High-level Delegation

Source: CNBM

Date: June 17, 2013

𒊎On June 11, Chairman Song Zhiping met the delegation headed by CEO of Ireland CRH Myles Lee in Beijing. CRH is a world-renowned building material enterprise, ranking 435th out of Fortune Global 500 in 2012, and is engaged in the production and the sale of cement, aggregate, commercial concrete, asphalt, etc.   

Chairman Song Zhiping expressed his welcome to the delegation, and introduced China’s current economic situation, status quo and issues of China’s cement industry, relevant policies of the  Chinese government on how to tackle excess production capacity of cement industry, and energy conservation and environmental protection, etc., and the measures that CNBM promotes the sound development of the cement industry. Myles Lee expressed his admiration on CNBM’s rapid development and great achievements in recent years. He said that CNBM occupies an important position in China’s cement industry, and is expected to play an important role as a major enterprise and will lead the sound development of the cement market. In addition, two parties conducted extensive in-depth exchange and communication on the development of the world’s building material industry, international market prospect of the cement industry, status quo of China’s cement industry, development strategy and operational management of the enterprise, the future cooperation, etc. In the end, Myles Lee sincerely invited the CNBM delegation headed by Chairman Song Zhiping to visit CRH. 
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