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BNBM Participating in South Africa Mixed Use Developments Conference

♔Source: Beijing New Building Materials (Group) Co., Ltd.

Date: June 3, 2013

On May 29-30, 2013, the International Business Department of Beijing New Building Materials (Group) Co., Ltd.(BNBM)and INTECH Building (Beijing) Co., Ltd. sent representatives to participate in the Mixed Use Developments Conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa, which was held by Marcus Evans, an international well-known business forum organizer and participated by the experts in the area of urban construction and enterprise representatives from Europe, North America, Asia and Africa etc.In this activity, BNBM introduced its concepts of energy-saving, environmental-friendly and low-carbon prefab housing products and relevant construction planning to the public stereoscopically by making full use of the exhibition platform provided by the meeting by means of propaganda film, propaganda material and display rack etc. The prefab housing of the company gained extensive attention of developers, building companies, government officials and architectural designers from South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and Zimbabwe etc. and many customers had expressed their cooperation intention to BNBM.
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