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Zhongfu Lianzhong First Appearing in South Africa Pump Valve Water Treatment Exhibition

🧸Source: Lianyungang Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Group Co., Ltd.

Date: June 20, 2013

෴From May 14 to 16, 2013 South Africa Pump Valve Water Treatment Exhibition was held in Johannesburg, the largest city in South Africa, nearly 200 plastic pipe, steel pipe and pump valve enterprises participated in the exhibition. Lianyungang Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Group Co., Ltd.(Zhongfu Lianzhong), appearing in the exhibition for the first time, was widely concerned by virtue of its excellent performance. This exhibition, held once every two years, is the largest commercial exhibition in pump valve water affairs field of South Africa.

In recent years, the demand of South Africa market for the water treatment equipment and technology such as pipe has been increasingly growing, becoming a breakthrough of enterprises in relevant fields of various countries, especially the Chinese enterprises to expand the African market. As the largest glass reinforced steel product manufacturer in China, Zhongfu Lianzhong has always adhered to the development road of strengthening enterprises with science and technology, continuously increased input of science and technology and strengthened scientific and technological innovation, making significant achievements. At present, the glass reinforced plastic pipe of Zhongfu Lianzhong has obtained the honorary title of “Chinese famous brand”, glass reinforced plastic pipe has passed API certification, the enterprise has successively made a glass reinforced plastic storage tank of 25 m in diameter and 6000 m3 in single volume, the large glass reinforced plastic storage tank coiled at the site has a maximum diameter of up to 31m and a single volume of 10,000 m3🍷, and the glass reinforced plastic pipe with maximum diameter of 4 m made by the enterprise has beenwidely used in such projects as long-distance water diversion, water transmission, circulating water for agricultural irrigation and power plant and sea water desalination.

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