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Member of South Africa Parliamentarian Huang Shihao Visits Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry

ᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚSource: Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry

Date: July 19, 2013

ꦉOn July 17, Mr. Huang Shihao, member of South Africa Parliament, came to Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry for investigation and visit. Jiang Yang, Vice President of Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry, accompanied Mr. Huang and his team to visit Huayi Conducting Film Production Line, Sino-Italian CTIEC Equipment Production Workshop, and National Key Laboratory of New Float Glass Technologies, during which Jiang had an amiable conversation with Mr. Huang and his team.Jiang Yang introduced in detail the development history, achievements, and future development strategy of Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry, and noted that Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry would take independent innovation as the strong engine, “Related Diversification” and “Internationalization” as both flanks, and “Independent Core Technologies on New-type Glass” as the support to extend its line of business to the PV industry, the IT industry, and the new materials industry, during which the institute would think globally, and integrate quality resources and develop emerging markets worldwide. Jiang Yang hoped that Mr. Huang could set up a bridge between Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry and relevant departments or enterprises of South Africa, as well as offer assistance and support for promoting implementation of cooperative projects.

Mr. Huang spoke highly of the Institute’s strength, and pointed out that both sides could complement one another in terms of capital, technologies, resources, and manpower. Both sides are sure to have extensive and in-depth cooperation in such sectors as PV, IT, new energy resources for automobiles, and new-energy housing etc., according to Mr. Huang, who promised that he would go all out to boost further communication between Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry and relevant departments or enterprises of South Africa, as well as to facilitate the implementation of the Institute’s cooperative projects in South Africa. 
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