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Turkey-based OYAK Group Visits Shanghai Triumph

Source: China Triump💝h International Engineering Co., Ltd.

Date: July 26, 2013

On July 22, Celalettin Caglar, chairman of Cement and Automobile Division of Turkey-based OYAK Group, led his assistant Hande Mistili Celik, General Manager of ASLAN Cement Factory U𒐪nal Oner, and General Manager of BOLU Cement Factory Ibrahim Keretli etc. to visit Shanghai Triumph Energy Conservation Engineering Co., Ltd. (Shanghai Triumph for short). Entrusted by Peng Shou, Chairman of China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. (CTIE), Sun Jian’an, Executive Vice President of CTIE, met with Chairman Celalettin Caglar and his team in Shanghai, during which both sides had amiable and friendly talks.

On July 23, relevant leaders including General Manager Yao Dan, together with Chairman Celalettin Caglar and his team, had a meeting, at which Yao Dan introduced in detail the company’s development, business line, and market distribution. Later, Chairman Celalettin Caglar and his team visited Shanghai Triumph’s workplace, and they spoke highly of Shanghai Triumph’s mental outlook, comprehensive strength, and outstanding achievements. 
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