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Zhongfu Lianzhong shows up at CWP 2013

❀Source: Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Group Co., Ltd.

Date: October 21, 2013

✤From October 16 to 18, Zhongfu Lianzhong Composites Group Co., Ltd. (Zhongfu Lianzhong) showed up at China Wind Power 2013 (CWP 2013) as a Chinese leading wind turbine blade manufacturer, unveiling its newly developed low-wind-speed and offshore wind turbine blade products, showcasing its tremendous strength in research, manufacturing and production to the industry.Under the theme of "quality and health", in light of the current situation of industrial development, from the perspectives of policy design, market rule, investment guidance, technical R & D and business management, CWP 2013 explored how to establish a more healthy and favorable atmosphere of industrial development, draw industrial attention to the quality and healthy development of products and lead the industry into a new period of sounder growth. At the exhibition, Zhongfu Lianzhong launched LZ75-6MW blade, Asia's largest wind turbine blade currently. Since 2013, Zhongfu Lianzhong has designed and developed blades like LZ54.38-1.5MW, LZ51.9-1.5MW and LZ53.4-2.0M according to the wind conditions and characteristics of low-wind-speed areas, thus being favored by customers for its outstanding design concept and product quality.

In 2013, Zhongfu Lianzhong's blade sales increased steadily from the same period of last year. While serving existing customers, it has achieved major breakthrough in overseas sales. In the first nine months of 2013, it exported a record 150 sets of blades to 13 countries like Japan, Korea, India, Germany, Turkey, Italy and Kazakhstan. The wind power industry is gradually bottoming out and has begun to warm up. Zhongfu Lianzhong will continue technical innovation, focus on wind turbine blade manufacturing and keep making progress in the next peak of the wind power industry.
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