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CCR Chief Editor Prof. Karen Scrivener lectures at CMBA

Source: China Building Materials Academy

Date: October 25, 2013

On October 22, Prof. Karen Scrivener, chief editor of Cement and Concrete Research♌ (CCR), a famous magazine in the global cement and concrete industry, was invited to give a lecture at the China Building Materials Academy (CBMA). Yao Yan, president of China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM) and president of CBMA, met Prof. Scrivener, thanking her for her frequent visits. The two sides exchanged ideas on the planning and conception of the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) to be held in Beijing in 2015.

Afterwards Prof. Scrivene visited the instruments and equipment of CBMA's key laboratory of green building materials. She made an academic presentation entitled Prospect of Triple Composition of Calcined Clay, Limestone and Clinker--Reduce Cement Environment Load and Address Cement Growth Demand✨, with the participation of over 30 persons including technical staff and postgraduates of the Cement and New Material Institute of CBMA.

Prof. Scrivene is director of the Laboratory of Construction Materials, école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and chief editor of CCR. Having long been engaged in researches on scanning electron microscope in cement and concrete, with great accomplishments and substantial research findings, she enjoys high popularity in the international cement and concrete world. She was appointed as a guest visitor of CBMA in July 2011.
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