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Chairman Song Zhiping meets Activ Solar executive delegation

Source: CNBM

Date: October 31, 2013

On the 🀅morning of October 29, Song Zhiping, chairman of China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM), met the executive delegation of Activ Solar, Ukraine, holding talks with the deleꩵgation on the cooperation in the PV power station project.

Song welcomed the delegation and was pleased with the bumper fruits of the cooperation between the two sides. He introduced CNBM's development in recent years: as the world's second-largest building materials enterprise, CNBM implements the industrial strategy of new building materials, new housing and new energy materials on the basis of reinforcing traditional fields of building materials, takes the new energy industry as one of its key development strategies, is building "Green Town" worldwide and making all-out efforts to advance the globalization of green building materials. The cooperative agreement on the 1GW PV power station signed between Ukraine and CNBM is of far-reaching significance and the partnership will be further consolidated and deepened, he said, thanking Ukraine for its trust in CNBM, and undertaking to offer the customer more desired services and contribute to global green energy by its quality products and advanced capacity for integrated supply.

The delegation spoke highly of CNBM's remarkable contributions to Ukraine's new energy field, admiring its efficient specialized and internationalized team. Over the past four years, the cooperation between Activ Solar and CNBM has achieved a great success, and the two sides have achieved win-win with the completion of an installed capacity of 537MW of the 1GW PV power station project. The delegation hoped that the two sides would cement cooperation and seize opportunities to open up a new page of cooperation. During the talks, the two sides exchanged ideas on the content of next-step cooperation, undertaking to further advance cooperation in fields like wind energy, green urbanization, PV farm and new housing on the basis of the PV power station project.
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