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Launch ceremony of CTIEC-contracted Italcementi's project in KAZ takes place

⭕Source: China Triumph International Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

Date: December 9, 2013On December 7, the launch ceremony of Italcementi's 3,200t/d clinker line project in Shymkent, Kazakhstan contracted by China Triumph International Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (CTIEC) took place on the site of old line removal. As a major project under Kazakhstan Productivity Program 2020, the production line is of great significance to regional development.Present were Roberto Calliero, president of Italcement Asia and chairman of Shymkent Cement; Gabriel Morin, general manager of Shymkent Cement; Peter Kosis, project manager of the owner; Liu Jiarong, deputy chief engineer of the Cement Department of CTIEC and project manager; officials of the Shymkent Municipal Government and the staff of the project department of CTIEC.At the ceremony, Morin thanked CTIEC and local government departments for their strong support, announcing that the project would run 20 months and come on stream in the second half of 2015. Calliero noted that Kazakhstan is a vigorous and promising market and the project is a major historical event for both Italcement and Shymkent Cement. Kosis stressed that Shymkent Cement Plant would meet the rigorous ecological requirements for modern cities and enhance work safety after the project is completed, thus ranking among Italcement's top production lines.In recent years, CTIEC has kept to the philosophy of "Integrity, Innovation, To Be the Best" and grown strong by quality products, thus being widely recognized in the cement industry and gaining the initiative in the increasingly competitive international cement engineering market.
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