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CNBM Formally Accedes to UN Global Compact

In 2014, China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM) formally acceded to the UN Global Compact, with Chairman Song Zhiping as a member of the 2nd Presidium of Global Compact Network China. On February 25, the Annual Conference & General Election of the Presidium of Global Compact Network China took place in Beijing. President Yao Yan was present and delivered a speech.

Yao introduced CNBM's main practice of advancing social responsibility and achievements in this respect. She noted, CNBM is committed to building a healthy central enterprise, and keeps to the core concept of "properly using resources to serve construction" and the core values of "innovation, performance, harmony, responsibility". Under the principle of "triple bottom line" and the ten principles of the Global Compact, based on interested parties' appeals, CNBM has established a responsibility framework characteristic of CNBM and systematically advanced the practice of social responsibility. CNBM's practice of fulfilling responsibility in fields like market performance, technological innovation, energy conservation and environmental protection, staff care and corporate citizenship drew wide attention and gained full recognition from the attendees and all walks of life.       
𒈔 According to Yao, after its accession to the UN Global Compact, CNBM will continue adhering to the strategy of sustainable development to ensure safety, environmental friendliness and resource conservation. They will adhere to the business concept of human orientation to create good products, services, benefits and well-being for consumers, staff, community residents and investors. They will adhere to the competitive concepts of coexistence and collective benefit to advance the common progress of the industry. Also, CNBM will make all-out efforts to build an innovation-oriented, energy-conserving, environmental-friendly and socially responsible enterprise, striving to be harmonious with nature, society, competitors and staff, and make its humble contribution to the building of a beautiful China and the sustainable development of China.

The UN Global Compact initiative was proposed by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January 1999 and was officially launched at the UN headquarters in July 2000. It is aimed at calling on enterprises to observe, support and implement a set of fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption in their respective scope of influence. The goal is to play a responsible and creative role in building a global framework for promoting sustainable growth and enhancing social benefit.Nowadays, facing environmental problems such as global resource exhaustion, ecological deterioration and climatic disaster, all walks of life are seeking effective ways to promote the sustainable development of economy with environment and society. The Global Compact has become the most influential initiative of the international community to promote corporate social responsibility. Since its establishment, Global Compact Network China has made positive and effective efforts in promoting Chinese enterprises' transformative development modes and exploring the harmony of enterprises with environment and society.As a central enterprise in the fully competitive field, CNBM has pressed ahead with integration and optimization, energy conservation and emission reduction, transformation and upgrading, thus accomplishing healthy, steady and rapid development. Over the decade, CNBM has achieved operating revenues of over 250 billion yuan with a profit of over 12 billion yuan, up over 100 times. Also, CNBM has made the Fortune Global 500 list for consecutive years, ranked 319th in 2013 and has become the world's second-largest building materials enterprise and largest cement manufacturer. While growing rapidly, CNBM has kept to the development concept of "properly using resources to serve construction", actively explored sustainable development, and made unremitting efforts to build a beautiful and environmentally friendly China.
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