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CTIEC Shows up at China Glass 2014

On April 14, the 25th China International Glass Industrial Technology Exhibition (China Glass 2014) kicked off at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. As a highlight of the exhibition, China Triumph International Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (CTIEC) demonstrated its advanced float glass technologies and EPC capacity, especially new technologies related to the low carbon economy, energy conservation and emission reduction, new energy and green building materials. Engineering technologists, experts and scholars from renowned domestic and foreign enterprises visited CTIEC's booth for exchange and business negotiation.

🦋At the beginning of the exhibition, industrial leaders such as Qiao Longde, president of the China Building Material Industry Association were shown around CTIEC's booth by Peng Shou. They spoke highly of CTIEC's remarkable contributions to the industry's technical progress through transformation, upgrading and innovative development, especially energy conservation, emission reduction and green building material development. CTIEC's engineering technologists were active in all exhibition halls for extensive technical exchange with professional visitors from home and abroad.

🍃As a weather vane for industrial development, China Glass has been held for 25 years. This year, the exhibition brought together 810 enterprises from 28 countries such as China, Germany, Italy, the USA, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Canada, India, Singapore, Spain and Brazil, including 180 foreign enterprises. Italy, Germany and the USA organized national exhibition groups. Via the promotional platform of China Glass, CTIEC has built extensive mutual trust with research and design institutions, manufacturers and technologists from the glass industry and related industries at home and abroad, thus expanding its business fields and enhancing brand popularity.

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