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CTIEC’s 2x5000tpd Cement Production Lines Renewal Project in Suez Goes Smoothly

Source: CTIEC Date: December 10, 2014

In December, the ItalcementiGroup funded 2x5000tpd Cement Production Lines Renewal Project in Suez, Egypt(the Project), contracted by Beijing Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd.(Beijing Triumph), a subsidiary of China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd.(CTIEC), goes smoothly and all activities for civil work, installation of steel structures, equipment installation and electrical installation have been finished. Currently, the stand-alone test and electrical automation dotting test are being undertaken at the same time.
𒅌The Project was funded by Italcementi Group, the world's fifth largest cement producer. The purpose for the Project is to renew 2x5000tpd cement production lines. The progress for activities of the Project has been affected by the change from the old government to the new one following the Egypt Presidential Election since last December. However, Beijing Triumph has been making its best effort all the time during this period to coordinate with all related parties and authorities and make full use of all available resources to push the progress of the Project.

The owner expressed their recognition for the progress of the 2x5000tpd Cement Production Lines Renewal Project contracted by Beijing Triumph of CTIEC and their willingness to cooperate with Beijing Triumph again in other projects.
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