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Delegation led by Vale Executive Director Peter Poppinga visits CBMIE

Source: CBMIE Date: Feb 9, 2015 On February 5, a delegation led by Vale Executive Director Peter Poppinga visited China National Building Materials Import & Export Corporation (CBMIE). Huang Anzhong, vice president of China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM) and chairman of CBMIE, warmly received the delegation. The two sides discussed cooperation and looked into the future in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Huang warmly welcomed the delegation and thanked Vale for its trust in CBMIE. The two sides summarized cooperation in recent years and planed future business cooperation, with a focus on the agency cooperation last year. CBMIE will continue to employ its comprehensive advantage in the domestic iron ore industry to offer Vale quality services, Huang said. CBMIE's stable sales channels, extensive customer resources and strong capacity for resource integration have played a vital role in new business cooperation between the two sides, Poppinga said, considering CBMIE as Vale's indispensible and trustworthy partner in Chinaand expecting the two sides to further deepen cooperation at the next stage to achieve win-win. Present were Vale Global Marketing and Sales Director Claudio Alves; Vale China President Joao Mendes; Vale China General Manager Marcos Leite Ferreira; Xie Xue, director of the Iron Ore Department of Vale; CBMIE Vice General Manager Wu Xiang; CBMIE Shanghai Vice General Manager Wang Dongwei, etc.  
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