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Investment Consul of Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai Visited HCRDI

Source: HCRDI Date: June 5, 2015 On June 4, accompanied by leaders of Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Division of Department of Commerce, a delegation led by Mrs. WatchareeTintani, Consul of Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai, visited Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute (HCRDI). Mr. Zhu Bin, Vice President of HCRDI, and principals of related departments of the Institute, warmly welcomed the delegation. During the talk in the meeting, Mr. Zhu Bin briefly introduced the profile of HCRDI, expounded the development mode integrating scientific research, industry, design and project contracting in details, and reviewed HCRDI’s achievements of “going global” in exports through project contracting in recent years. Mr. Zhu Bin said that under the guidance of “One Belt and One Road” national strategic policy, HCRDI hoped to make use of its own advantages in science researches and technologies, and have extensive, multi-mode, and deep-level cooperation with the Thai side in the cement industry. Mrs. WatchareeTintani spoke highly of HCRDI’s achievements in the industry, and introduced the market environment and preferential policies of Thailand. She hoped to establish a communication platform between HCRDI and Thai cement companies, and promote the in-depth cooperation between two sides in R&D of cement technologies and industrial upgrade. The delegation also visited the exhibition hall of HCRDI and took photos.  
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