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CTIEC Signs a Contract on Rolled Glass Production in Africa

Source: CTIECDate: August 25, 2015

On August 21, the signing ceremony of the EPC project, which refers to building an80t/drolled glass line and a 40t/dliquid glass line by China Triumph International Engineering Co.,Ltd.(CTIEC)for AFRICAN GLASS, was held in Shanghai. Peng Shou (Chairman and President of CTIEC), on behalf of CTIEC, and MAHAMAD (Chairman and President of AFRICAN GLASS) signed the EPC contract.
𒈔AFRICAN GLASS is an Africa’s large-scale company engaged in deep processing and international trade of glass, and has kept importing float glass and rolled glass from Egypt and Middle East over the years. The glass factories exporting to AFRICAN GLASS were built by CTIEC. Depending on high-quality glass and service offered by the exporters, CTIECimpressed MAHAMAD. With economic development in his country, the demand for rolled glass there increases every day, and the glass markets in the countries around are increasingly flourishing. With a view to this, MAHAMAD decided to build a glass line to his name. Given users’ pursuit of high-quality product and the popularity of the high-quality service offered by CTIEC, he resolutely selected CTIECas the general contractor of the glass line.

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