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Qatar AKCC Project Contracted by CNBM International Engineering was Successfully Lit

Source: CNBM International Engineering Date: October 8, 2015 On September 28, 2015, the rotary kiln of Qatar AKCC Phase II Project of cement clinker production line with a daily production of 5,800 tons, which was contracted and built by CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd., was successfully lit. On October 3, 2015, it successfully produced clinkers. AKCC is the first EPC project of CNBM in Qatar and the first project in the comprehensive strategic cooperation with FLSmidth, a well-known European company. Since the construction was started in late December of 2013, facing strict requirements of European construction standards, and such severe weather as high temperature, gale, sand storms in Qatar, all staffs of the project department firmly complied with command from leaders of the company, implemented the spirit of hardworking and perseverance, united with each other in a well-organized manner, and worked through days and nights. Finally, they completed the set goals of the company with quality and quantity guaranteed, achieved periodic victories, and laid a solid foundation for the completion of the whole project.  
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